
It's been a full day since the system ordered them to wait before taking any action.

Lucas was sitting in front of the terminal, waiting for some kind of response from the others.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Kalaini asked.

"Yeah, I'm positive," Lucas answered.

Kalaini looked at him, "are you sure you're not going to regret this? What if you end up betraying us?"

"I don't think so, I'm pretty sure that, once the time has passed, I can make a decision. Right now, I just want to concentrate on rescuing Kali."

"But what if this plan fails?" Kalaini asked.

"Then we'll find another way to rescue her," Lucas answered calmly. "We can't fail, Kalaini, we can't fail! The last thing we need right now is for Kali to be captured or killed. We have to get her back safely, no matter what."

"Lucas, it's dangerous. Don't forget that."

"I know, but we can't just sit here and wait until she is dead. She needs our help now."