Let The Training Begin

A small green fury-like fox creature was in front of Lucas's eyes. Its pink diamond shone brightly. It was like a fairy who came from another world. Its fluffy tale tail twitched slowly with every move.

"Peri!" What are you doing here?" Lucas asked, *pur* *pur* this cutie was just staring at Lucas's face. 

"Right, you can't speak!" Lucas for a moment forgot that not every creature is here like Kali and Renexa, "haven't seen you for so long, I even forgot you existed!"

The little monster jumped on Lucas's lap and nuzzled against Lucas's chest.

"Peri, I'm so sorry for forgetting about you..." Lucas said while slowly trying to pet its head. The creature was a size of a fox, and it was cute forgetting the fact that it can open its mouth like a demon sometimes. 

It was soft and fluky, but it also felt sharp and dangerous.