Water Is Wet

The next day, Lucas woke up early and went straight to the training area. The sun was still low in the sky, casting long shadows across the floor. The air was cold, but Lucas barely felt it. He had grown accustomed to the weather in the northern regions.

"Good morning," Lui greeted Lucas when he arrived, "you look rested and ready for today's training."

Lucas gave Lui a quick bow, "thank you, Master," he said.

"You don't have to call me that anymore," Luu told him, "just Luu is fine."

"Okay, Luu," Lucas repeated.

Luu took a sip from his cup of tea and smiled at his apprentice, "it appears that you're already quite good at controlling water," he commented.

Lucas nodded, "yes, I think I'm getting better every day."

"Let's start with something simpler," Luu said, "I want you to create a small stream that flows towards the lake."