The Thought That Counts

The wind blew strongly as Kali spoke, "there's something I need to tell you, and it's a secret between us." 

"What is it?" Lucas asked, "I promise I won't repeat anything you say."

"I will be gone for a while," Kali sighed, "the person who trains me, wants me to meet the other dragons."

"But, aren't you scared?" Lucas asked, "you know that they're all much bigger than you, and stronger too."

"I guess I am a little bit," Kali admitted, "but I want to see them anyway."

Lucas took a deep breath. He noticed that his heartbeat was beating faster than usual. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

"Yes," Kali said, "I think it's time I met the other dragons."

She stood up and began walking away.

"Bu-but Kali, when are you coming back?" His voice stuttered for a moment.