Just There

He saw a huge tree with green leaves and felt the wind blowing between them.

"Good," Luu replied, "now hold your breath and let yourself fall into the water."

Lucas did as he was told and let himself sink slowly into the water. It was cold, but he felt good inside. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and looked at the lake, where the light reflected from the water.

"It's peaceful here," Lucas commented, "like a dream."

"Yes," Luu replied, "it is a wonderful place, the perfect environment for learning."

Lucas stayed in the water for a little while longer until he started feeling tired. He wanted to rest and asked Luu if he could.

"No," Luu answered, "you won't be able to move after resting too long. You'll end up floating to the bottom of the lake."

"All right," Lucas agreed, "let's continue our lesson then."

They moved back to the shore and prepared to start the next part of their training.