Hoping For The Best

"Are you ready for your battle?"

"Yeah, sure."

Malice wrapped her arms around Lucas' neck and hugged him tightly.

"Be careful, okay?"

"I know. I will."

Lucas walked away and went through the doorway leading to the training room.

He arrived at the hall and saw Luu waiting for him.

"Good. Let's get started."

Lucas entered the training room and found himself inside a giant cage made of steel bars. On each side of the cage stood two mages dressed in white robes. One mage was holding a staff in his hand and the other had a sword.

"Welcome, Lucas. You should know what to do by now."

The mage with the staff pointed his wand at Lucas. A red beam shot out of his wand and hit Lucas directly in the chest. The impact sent Lucas flying backwards. He landed on the ground and slid across the floor.

"That's the pain spell," the mage told him.

"Didn't feel much. Is this going to be normal?"