The First One

The battle was supposed to be a simple one to check Lucas's abilities and to see if he was ready to leave the training ground, but some current events changed that and now Lucas was determined to win against anyone, even Luu.

"Hey!" Lucas shouted. "I'm gonna beat you this time!"

Luu smirked. "Yes, you will. But let's start with something easier."

Luu moved away and left Lucas in a training arena on its own. Lucas was confused, but he was also curious about what was going to happen next.

After a moment of silence, Lucas heard a loud noise. It was a bell ringing.

Lucas looked around and saw five guys coming towards him. All of them were wearing black robes. It looked like they had been hit by lightning.

The first guy stood in front of Lucas and bowed down. "My apologies, Hero," he said with a low voice.

"Hero?" Lucas frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"We will have to fight you now," the man replied.