Scheming The Revenge

The words of betrayal and trust meant a lot to Lucas, considering how far he came. A few years ago, Lucas was struggling with a drug addiction, which made him lose everything he ever loved. Since then, he had been fighting to get his life back, even if that meant leaving this world behind. Lucas could feel the desperation in Izek's voice. He was willing to sacrifice himself, in order to protect his friends.

"You're giving up your own life?" Lucas asked.

Izek sighed again, "yes."


"Because I realized that the system isn't good. It isn't fair. Everything is written to be unfair, and there's no point trying to change that. We can't fight the system; instead, we should learn to live with it."

"You said that we can't fight the system, but you've already done so many things against it!"

"I haven't accomplished anything yet."

"You saved those kids!"

"They were already dead."

"But you saved their souls!"
