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"Here you go, Lucas," Haya said as she approached him. Lucas turned around, surprised to see Haya with a pale face, holding a canteen of water. He took a few sips before returning it to his pocket.

"What happened, Lucas? We just arrived, and now you're in this state. What's going on?" Haya asked, furrowing her brow.

Lucas knew he had messed up their plans once again, but it wasn't something he had control over. Izek had decided to attack the system, and Lucas had to fulfil his promise, no matter the consequences.

"Izek told me he has a plan to destroy the system," Lucas replied.

"What?! Are you serious?" Haya exclaimed.

"I can't fully explain it, but I can sense it deep within me," Lucas explained.

"How is that even possible?"

"I don't know. It's like I can hear him, like we're communicating," Lucas hesitated to mention that he could also see Izek's memories to avoid sounding crazy.