That's It? Isn't This Too Hasty? (3)

He did not expect that he had also called the black cat Little Black.

"You said that you brought someone for me. Is it him?" The red-robed old man asked. Then, he looked at Lin Feng.

The Flame Lord nodded. "That's right. He wants to control the Fire God Mystic Realm, but I don't want to die, so I brought him here."

When the red-robed old man heard this, he nodded. His emotions actually did not change because of the Flame Lord's words.

"I see. Since you've already brought him here, it means that you're not his match. Then it's not a problem for him to become the controller of the secret realm."

As the red-robed old man spoke, he waved his hand and sent a red token to Lin Feng.

"Young man, this is the control token of the secret realm. Take it and you'll be the controller of the secret realm. Alright, leave quickly. Don't disturb my sleep."