Upgrade of Forging Skill! (2)

When Di Kang saw Ao Shun whip over, he did not foolishly receive the other party's whip head-on. Instead, after dodging to the side, he punched the other party's nose.

Logically speaking, a battle between king level experts should be world-destroying. However, when the long whip that Di Kang dodged hit the forging table, the forging table did not react at all. It only exploded and did not leave a trace.

This was the rule of the Heavenly Craftsmen Secret Realm. Here, they could fight, but even if an epic level expert fought, they would not be able to destroy anything here!

Seeing that the other party had dodged his long whip, Ao Shun hurriedly dodged the other party's fist and continued to attack.

Apart from their forging talent, the Qilin race also had innate divine strength. Their strength was extremely terrifying. Even Ao Shun, who was from the Dragon race, was unwilling to take the hit head-on.