The Work of Earth Emperor Fuxi!

A grand and expansive ancient city emerged before Lin Feng and the others.

This ancient city was truly majestic, with walls reaching hundreds of feet high, constructed from poured molten iron. Its entire structure was pitch black, resembling a wall of steel.

What surprised them even more was the plethora of runes engraved on the city walls, evidently inscribed by skilled artisans. Even during the day, the walls emitted a faint white glow.

The soldiers stationed atop the city walls were all clad in armor, and judging by their auras, even the lowest among them were at the silver level. Their armors were all of silver-grade quality.

Among the soldier captains, some exhibited auras of gold level strength, donning corresponding equipment as they patrolled the walls.

The city itself spanned thousands of square miles, with a population numbering in the tens of millions. It was by no means inferior to the major cities on the Blue Planet.