Something's Wrong (2)

Xi wore a puzzled expression. Was that all?

She still retained all her memories, and there had indeed been a strange sensation just moments ago. But what kind of method was this?

Ao Sihai smiled and spoke, "Boss, I'll head back now. I need you to see me off."

Presently at the diamond level, Ao Sihai couldn't navigate the Chaos. If it weren't for Lin Feng's Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram nearby, he and Xi would likely have been erased by the chaotic rules upon entering the Chaos.

Lin Feng nodded, "Let's go together. There seem to be changes on the God Race side. I also want to explore this part of history."

Subsequently, everyone vanished. Ao Sihai reappeared at the gathering of the hundred races, but no one around sensed anything unusual.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng and Xi floated in the air, unseen by anyone.