The Destruction of the Eagle Knights and the 600,000 Soldiers

More than 3,000 Eagle Knights were armed to the teeth.

Armored, they had no weaknesses at all. Even most of their warhorses were wrapped in iron armor.

In addition, each of these Eagle Knights controlled an eagle that belonged to them alone.

It was obvious that the Eagle Knights were the elite troops secretly nurtured and developed by the Siladan Empire.

The cost of nurturing the entire Eagle Knight Legion was no less than the cost of nurturing a Spellcaster.

It might even be higher, but no matter how much it cost, nurturing such a knighthood was worth it in the eyes of most rulers.

Compared to those disobedient Spellcasters, the Knights were a power that could be truly controlled by those rulers.

Moreover, this power was no less useful on the battlefield than any Basic Spellcaster.

The Eagle Knights could do anything that a Beginner Spellcaster could do on the battlefield. They might even do it better and more efficiently.