Can't Be underestimated

Fang Ping was still surveying his surroundings, making a rough estimate. "There are at least ten of them. Basically, they're all Troll Berserkers and Troll Warriors. They came from the hill on the left rear… Wait a minute, there's also one on the right rear.

I'm not familiar with the terrain here. I don't know how far they are from us."

"Let's go. Don't fall behind."

The group carried their backpacks and walked in the direction of the Lord's Guards. Fang Ping took careful steps. It was not easy to walk on the frozen mountain path.

At the same time, Fang Ping was also investigating the pursuers behind him. Most of them were Troll Berserkers. Troll Berserkers were at least Class 3 Professionals. Their strength could not be underestimated.

"Who's there!"

"Elite Team, go tell James that the Troll Berserker Legion is here."

Fang Ping heard Elsa's words. Troll Berserker Legion?