Instant Kill

The Knights were fast, but the Werewolves were not slow either. Fang Ping could see that there was another Werewolf following closely behind.

Fang Ping was not very familiar with the Werewolf's attributes and characteristics. He only watched as the Knight raised his longsword and the Werewolf raised its sharp claws.

Then, his chest was pierced by a claw, and the warhorse rushed forward. The Knight's body hung on the Werewolf's sharp claws, and three sharp claws protruded from his back with a trace of blood.

The Knight's sword stopped in the air. In the end, it did not fall. His arm slowly lowered and his head tilted.

The warhorses in the distance disappeared with the Knights.

Instant kill.

Was Werewolves that strong?

Fang Ping quickly put down the blue chess piece in his hand and chose a grayish-white Troll.