A Strange Smile

"Van Helsing? After he was disbanded, he improved quickly. I like his title, Demon-Hunter General Van Helsing. He's much better than me, the Dwarf King."

As they toasted, the wine barrels on the table slowly bottomed out.

Futaba was the name she came up with for the wine. The name didn't change, but the taste had changed a lot.

Elsa felt a little drunk. Her vision was blurry as she looked at the two of them. She seemed to see the table full of people many years ago, and the sound of hearty laughter and glasses clinking echoed in her ears.

The big dog's chains rattled. He hooked his claws around the wine glass and wanted to drink too.

There was also that skeleton. When he drank the wine from his mouth, he was drenched all over. It was extremely interesting.

Someone even teased him and said, "Elsa, are you going to stop drinking?"

Elsa wouldn't admit defeat. She picked up her glass and said, "It's still early!"