Hopeless Turnaround

Fang Ping found a corner of the passageway and sat down. The advantage of wearing the Tranquil Heart Necklace was that he could cultivate at any time and did not have to deliberately wait until night time.

He had just closed his eyes when he heard footsteps.

"Eh, Fang Ping, what are you doing here?"

Fang Ping opened his eyes and saw a pair of white boots. He raised his head high. It was Lisa.

Lisa was wearing a battle dress, which was actually just a short skirt. It was inconvenient for her to squat down. Fang Ping propped himself up on the floor. "Why are you here?"

Lisa glanced at the field. Both sides were fighting fiercely.

"Of course I'm here to fight. Eh, aren't you going to watch a battle between Class 3 professionals?"

"I'm not interested in close combat. I might as well accumulate energy. By the way, the Tranquil Heart Necklace you gave me is not bad. Thank you."