Grand Emperor Ye

Things were peaceful at the Royal Sacred Land as everything remained as it was.

The great elder of the Royal sacred land, Huang Tu, looked at the Ye family and said, "My Lord, how is the Ye family's Supreme Grand Patriarch's Lightning Dao?"

He had long heard that the Ye family was proficient in Lightning Dao and had the reputation of breaking all techniques with a single lightning bolt.

"The Ye family's Lightning Dao is pretty good. It was passed down by Grand Emperor Ye, so it's definitely something special," the Royal Saint Ruler replied.

Though he believed the lightning bolts would not hurt him.

However, if the Ye family's Supreme Grand Patriarch reached the Seventh-grade Grand Emperor realm and then used the Lighting Dao on him, it would be a different story. The lightning bolts would probably shadow the entire continent.

Huang Tu continued, "What's the background of that Grand Emperor from the Ye family? Why is it that the Dao comprehended by him is different from the Dao comprehended by the other Grand Emperors in the history of the continent?"

Grand Emperor Ye was known as the Chaos Grand Emperor. He had once killed a Fifth-grade Grand Emperor with ease as a First-grade Grand Emperor.

The whole continent tried to find out his background but ultimately failed to reach a conclusion.

Grand Emperor Ye had only existed for a short time in history, and he disappeared after founding the family.

Eventually, one hundred thousand years passed, and Grand Emperor Ye gradually faded from the public's eye.

A hundred thousand years was the limit of a Grand Emperor's lifespan, so everyone thought he had simply reached the end of his life.

Seeing the Ye family's Supreme Grand Patriarch's move reminded Huang Tu of Grand Emperor Ye.

The Royal Saint Ruler frowned and pondered for a moment before saying, "Grand Emperor Ye is a legend. He went from an unknown to a Grand Emperor, and then back to unknown again. He's full of mystery."

"Grand Emperor Ye is also known as the Chaos Grand Emperor. The Dao he cultivated was the Chaos Dao. This Chaos Dao shouldn't have existed on the continent, but this Grand Emperor Ye comprehended it from somewhere, or perhaps he brought it here."

As he spoke, he stopped and looked up to the sky.

"It's been over two hundred thousand years since anyone has ascended, right?" he sighed.

"My Lord, it's two-hundred sixty-thousand years to be exact," Huang Tu replied.

"For as long as it has been, many Ninth-grade Grand Emperors have appeared, but none of them have succeeded in ascending," the Royal Saint Ruler nodded and said.

Huang Tu's eyes flickered hearing the words of the Royal Saint Ruler, 

"My Lord, you're saying that Grand Emperor Ye might be related to the Upper Realm?" Huang Tu asked.

The Royal Saint Ruler nodded, "That's possible. The Chaos Dao is off this world. This continent can't contain such a tyrannical Dao. Apart from the Upper Realm, where else would the Chaos Dao come from? "

Huang Tu nodded his head slightly, agreeing with the words of the Royal Saint Ruler.

Then, he didn't say anything more.

The Upper Realm was within sight but beyond reach, and most people did not even dare to mention it easily.

They were afraid that the people of the Upper Realm would hear them and bring disaster upon them.

Only a person like the Royal Saint Ruler could mention the Upper Realm without fear.

In the sky above the Ye family, the six Pre-Emperors continued fighting.

Countless majestic Dao techniques, skills, and divine abilities flew across the sky.

The Grand Supreme Patriarch, Patriarch Yuwen, and Patriarch Shentu were surrounded by the endless qi of Pre-Emperors.

However, the Supreme Grand Patriarch's aura was slightly weaker now.

The Supreme Grand Patriarch looked at Patriarch Yuwen and said, "Old Dog Yuwen, it's been a thousand years, and you're still so weak. You're not even strong enough to scratch my itch."

Even though the Supreme Grand Patriarch was at a disadvantage, he did not back down and continued to mock Patriarch Yuwen.

The corner of Patriarch Yuwen's mouth twitched.

Ye Zhen's eloquence had improved.

Patriarch Yuwen snorted and said, "Ye Zhen, I've broken through to the Ninth-grade Pre-Emperor realm. If I join forces with Brother Shentu, will you still be our match? Why don't you hand over the blood essence and us three can consider peace?"

The Supreme Grand Patriarch spat in reaction to Patriarch Yuwen's words.

He said, "Old Dog Yuwen, you can't even say anything decent. You still want peace? Is the Yuwen family even worthy? How can the Yuwen family and Shentu family compare to the Ye family?"

Patriarch Yuwen no longer said a word after knowing that the Supreme Grand Patriarch refused to take suggestions.

"Since you're so stubborn, I'll have to kill you first and then take out the blood essence," Patriarch Yuwen said.

The two Ninth-grade Pre-Emperor auras began to confront each other.

However, without the help of Patriarch Shentu, the Patriarch Yuwen was not the Grand Supreme Patriarch's match.

The Supreme Grand Patriarch laughed wildly, "You want to fight me alone? Are you even worthy?"

As he spoke, the Supreme Grand Patriarch's Ninth-grade Pre-Emperor aura completely crushed Patriarch Yuwen.

Patriarch Yuwen frowned slightly and looked at Patriarch Shentu. He angrily rebuked, "You're still watching? Why aren't you attacking?!"

Patriarch Shentu chuckled. "Ye Zhen is indeed very strong. If not for Brother Yuwen, even if the Shentu family knew that the Ye family had the blood essence, we would not have dared to invade."

With that said, the Patriarch Shentu's Eighth-grade Pre-Emperor spiritual energy exploded. Another blood-red saber slashed at the Grand Supreme Patriarch.

The Supreme Grand Patriarch saw the blood-red saber coming and sneered, "This again? Old Dog Shentu, don't you know it's useless?"

A bolt of heavenly lightning came crashing down.

The blood-red saber was instantly destroyed by the heavenly lightning.

Then, Patriarch Yuwen tore open the space and came before the Supreme Grand Patriarch.

Suddenly, countless techniques were blasted forward.

The Supreme Grand Patriarch could not react in time and was forced to block it in a hurry.


The Supreme Grand Patriarch was sent flying by the countless Dao techniques.

"Old Dog Yuwen, you're such a despicable man," the Supreme Grand Patriarch sneered.

Patriarch Yuwen said nonchalantly. "Ye Zhen, you still can't change your foul mouth."

"Oh? Why should I change? Are you not a vile person?" the Supreme Grand Patriarch rebuked.

The corner of Patriarch Yuwen's mouth twitched, and he didn't say anything more. It was obvious that he didn't want to argue with the Supreme Grand Patriarch.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy around Patriarch Yuwen's body surged as countless techniques and divine techniques flew out.

The Supreme Grand Patriarch's eyes narrowed, and countless bolts of heavenly lightning gathered in the sky.

He flicked his long robe and said in disdain, "Old Dog Yuwen, you do know a lot of divine techniques. However, I can break all techniques with a single lightning strike!"

In that instant, the sky turned dark, and the sun and moon shifted.

A pool of lightning appeared out of thin air in the sky, as if there were lightning dragons hidden within.

The violent thunder and lightning washed down like a waterfall.

Many of Patriarch Yuwen's techniques were destroyed.