Chapter 4 Shocked 3



The voice of the elders calling my name repeatedly brought me out of my trance state. I looked at them who were looking at me with a worried expression on their faces, I turned to look at the king who just stared back at me.

" are you okay, Catori"

Mato (the alpha beta)i asked with concern.

"She is seeing them".

He looked back at me confused by my choice of words.

"Who is seeing whom"

"The princess"

"Who is she seeing"

This time it was the king that asked at the mention of the princess.

" The princess is seeing a munezime monster"



Both the king and the elders shouted at the same time with voices that is laced with shock and panic.

"What do you mean"

Beta Mato asked.

"Just now, I wanted an illusional vision, I saw the princess with a munezine monster, she was smiling at him happily, they seem like they are in love".

"That's impossible, the princess can't possibly have contact with them"

Before I could say anything, Elder Wiyot agitated voice sounded, he was one of the elders who were head over heels in love with the princess and hoping to marry her.


" it is just an illusional vision, are you sure it is true,"

Beta Mato asked.

"Don't you trust my judgment, if it is not true, what makes you think I will say it here so confident, am a priestess for crying out loud, I don't give false visions."

I answered him, pissed by what he just said, why were they douthing my judgment when they are supposed to be worried for the princess and thinking of how to control it. The elders turned to the king to know what he has to say concerning this matter, but he just signed and looked at the priestess saying

" enough of that talk about my sister, let's get back to the issue that brought you here, what do you suggest we do about the war".

This statement was successful in averting everyone's attention from the princess issue, at the very least, the mubezine monsters wasn't their enemy neither were they trying to wave war on them.

"Let's discuss this outside, I have something to tell you"

I said to the king and to my surprise he agreed.


I heaved a sign of relief when I heard what he said, glad that the king is beginning to take the matter seriously, but it didn't last because the king suddenly said something again.


I looked at the alpha shocked as to why he is still saying but, there is no time, in her vision it is only today they have to decide on what to do because the war will begin in a week time,

"I have something to announce".

Immediately he said that, I froze in place.

"What is the announcement you want to make, your majesty."

Elder Nahele(the king right hand man ) asked.

He looked at the council of elders with his burning gaze for at least five minutes before he said,

"I found my mate"

My body shoke when I heard what he said, I was feeling both anger and helplessness, it turns out he spilled it, as for the elders, they were both shocked and excited, especially at this moment, the king have been searching for his mates for decades now and he finally found her, they were beyond themselves with joy, this also means that they now have a luna and the future of their kingdom will be secured. But what they don't understand is what the king seem unfazed or rather angry at the fact that he found his mate, he has been searching for his mate for a long time now, it is supposed to be a thing of joy to him, but no he looked like he is gonna kill someone, as far as they remembered, King Alex has been searching far and wide for his mate since his coranation as the alpha(king of Lycans) even when he is in love with the priestess, every werewolf king (alpha) is supposed to have found their mate after their cornation day. So they don't understand why his majesty seems both mad and sad at the news, but they will soon understand the reason.

Meanwhile Priestess Catori was shocked when the king made his announcement, after the initial shock, she began to panic 'he can't do this to me, not right now,' they agreed to keep this a secret until they are prepared for it. So what is this now, what changed his mind, is he that annoyed at me that he cannot wait for a few more days, she has to do something to stop it right now or she will definitely regret it later.

"Your majesty"

I called him and looked at him with a pleading gaze, silently begging him not to say anymore, but he totally ignored her.

"Your majesty, you have to listen to me, I don't think it is time for that now, we have a more pressing matter at hand now"

Her voice trembled involuntary when she spoke that got the elders thinking, what is going on with the priestess, she has never been scared of King Alex before now, so why the sudden trembling in her voice when she spoke just now. They were lost for words and was wondering what got the priestess to be like this.

"Your majesty, who is our Luna, who is your mate, it is indeed a thing of joy, but we have to settle this upcoming war first before the royal wedding and mating ceremony, we can't rush things, it will just wait for a few more weeks"

Elder Nahele who on his own concluded that the king is angry and sad because this upcoming war will hinder him from completing his mating ritual, said this to encourage the king. But what he don't know is that his words did not only not help to calm the king down but also got him more angrier.

"Do you expect me to answer that Nahele, cause I don't see the reason why I should, but I will....."

He looked at me for what felt like eternity to me, I also kept shaking my head to him, signaling him not to say it, but he continued nevertheless.

"I will satisfy your curiosity today, my mate is .... A WITCH, the high priestess Catori, who is standing before you here."

He said with hurt in his eyes and voice, why was he hurt, why does it feel like this whole thing is not what is seem like on the surface, was he lying to me, did I do something that hurt him.