

"Mato, Mato.."

I shouted his name, but no he didn't answer, I began panicking, his body is currently weak now, if he encountered an enemy now, i didn't even want to think of the outcome.


With that thought, I dived into the river, the river was dark inside, the light outside not penetrating into it, I frowned, I haven't encountered this river before, how did it suddenly appear here, that's strange. I suppressed the anxiety in my heart and searched round the river but couldn't find any signs of Mato. I dived deeper into the water to the depth of the river but didn't see any signs of him, I frowned where could he possibly be, I have spent half an hour searching for him in this river but still....., that was when it hit me.. I have spent half an hour in the river but can still breathe normally, this river isn't a normal river, after everything is solved I will come investigate this river..

Sign.... when will everything be solved, I just hope Mato is not dead, it will be a big blow to me if he really dies, 'this water is really strange'

I lamented in my heart, very strange indeed.I was about leaving when I felt a very bright light envelope me, I closed my eyes due to the effect of the light, I opened them again and the scenery changed, I was no longer in the water again, I was in front of endless stream of flowers, and in the middle stood a lady, the fairest lady I have ever encountered, her appearance alone made the flowers look more enchanting, my gaze glued to her waiting for her to speak, not at all affected by the heaven defying smile on her face that could make thousands of men fight and kill themselves for her.

"You don't seem surprised to be here"

Her voice was very angelic, a very beautiful tune that calm a shattered heart, very alluring, who was she and how was she able to draw me in to her illusions, what kind of power did she wield to be able to do  that smoothly, I stared at her trying to figure out why she drew me in,  i was actually surprised when the environment changed but am best at hiding my emotions that is why she didn't find out.

"Who are you, why am I here, what do you plan on doing, what realm are you from, release me immediately else I will kill you now"

I hollered at her, not the least scared of her, I subcounsiously felt convinced that she won't kill me, if she wants to kill me, she wouldn't go through this trouble, with her power she doesn't need to trap me in order to kill me. And the aura she releases make one comfortable.

"tsk..tsk..tsk.., so fierce, do you really think you can, what about your friend, aren't you looking for him, I might kill ..."

"Where is Mato"

I didn't even realized that I raised my voice at her, I was really anxious about Mato whereabouts.

"Sign....., are you normally like this, how could she tolerate you, sign....., her fate is indeed not good"

I glared at her, this woman is indeed acting strange.

"Where is Mato"

I asked this time with a calm voice, I couldn't risk provoking her, who knew if she would really kill Mato as she said.

"So impatient..., alright time's up, you can go,  i will come see you next time, be good"

I wanted to ask her what's meant by time's up, I also wanted to ask her why she brought me here but before I could ask anything, the same bright light enveloped me again, I closed my eyes, I was really unresigned, who was this lady, why did she bring me here, and most importantly where is Mato, she seems to know where he is located, I was still closing my eyes when her fading voice reached my ears.

"Do not wage a war against the witches no matter what your mate tells you, you have to accept it, it is your fate, and only you can change it, I will meet you at this same river three years later, and by then... I hope.. You will be stronger...goodbye, little two"

I was puzzled, what was she talking about, I opened my eyes again, blinked trying to accustom my eyes to the darkness and I saw mato on the floor uncounsious. I was shocked, but I didn't let it get to me, I carried him up and swam upwards, I couldn't think straight, what if he died, what was I supposed to do, his body is poisoned and weak, I don't know how long he has been in the water or how long I spent at the endless flower garden, he must have been in the water for a short while since his body isn't swollen yet, did somebody push him or did he go in himself intending to commit suicide. I swam faster to the surface, the river has returned back to normal, it must be because of the lady in yellow that is why the river was like that earlier, I thought of her departing words to me and I signed, what did she mean three years, she will come find me three years in this river, what was that she said about my mate.

I got out of the water and dropped him on the floor, checked his pulse to check if he is still breathing and fortunately he is still alive, I tried mind linking my Gemma, but couldn't reach him, he must still be at the battlefield arranging things. I didn't know what to do at this moment, I was panicking, I don't know how to tend to a drowned person, I lifted him to take him to the palace before he died here, when I heard a voice that I have been longing for, it calmed my anxious heart down.

"Your majesty"

Her angelic voice rang repeatedly on my ears, how soothing, it was like a tiny  light in the peach of darkness, I came back to my senses when she coughed twice, wasn't she in the witch kingdom, how is she here now, or am I hallucinating, did something happen him the witch kingdom....I was really anxious and totally forgot about Mato...


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