Chapter 23 MOLE



I frowned, the eye of the earth has almost gone extinct, the only place it is that I can remember is the vampire kingdom and it is too risky to go there now, seeing that they colluded with the rogues, it is almost impossible to sneak into their kingdom now, I frowned even more, does this mean that Mato is going to die after three weeks.


"Actually, I know the location of the eye of the earth, but the situation...."

"Where is it"

I didn't get to finish my sentence when Alex anxious voice interrupted me. I ignored him and turned to the Royal physician.

"Will one a small portion of the eye of the earth cure him?"

"Of course, high priestess catori, the eye of the earth is a very powerful medicinal herb, just a tiny bit of it is even enough to cure him"

The Royal physician said and I Heaved a sign of relief.

"That is good then, I will go get the eye of the earth, you just stabilize his condition  and when he is conscious, don't let him move about..."

"I will go with you"

Alex butted in.

"No your majesty, you can't go with me, the kingdom is in a very difficult position right now, war might break out anytime soon, you saw how the vampire prince was  so engraged the last time you..."

"That doesn't affect anything ...."

"It affects everything, your beta is down..."

"I still have my Gemma, he could take care and monitor the affairs of the kingdom on my absence"

I signed, really it's hard to convince Alex of anything, he is just so strong headed that you feel like you are gonna die just by talking to him.

"Where are you going to get the eye of the earth from"

I hesitated, I don't know whether to tell him or not,after some hesitation I decided to tell him, in case anything happens, he will know where to find me.

"The vampire kingdom"


Both Alex and the Royal physician shouted at the same time.

"No way"

I glared at Alex who look like he wouldn't let me step an inch from here.

"There is no way I will let you go there alone, if am not going with you, then forget it, we will find another way to get the eye of the earth."

He said firmly, leaving no room for discussion and I know he meant every single word he said.

"The less people that will go, the lesser the chances of getting discovered."

"It's just the both of us...."

"It is still two, if I go alone..."

"You are not going alone"

He stared at me angrily, I also stared back at him, we locked gaze for a while before the royal physician coughed awkwardly.

"High priestess, i suggest you let his majesty go with you, that way you wouldn't be in danger on the way and he can be rest assured"

"Are you saying am not capable of protecting myself"

I glared at the Royal physician who looked away embarrassed, if he don't know what to say he should just shut up.

"Your majesty.."

"Am going with you"

"Alright then"

I gave in to him knowing fully well that he is very serious. He nodded.

"I will have to call for a meeting and postpone everything that is not of importance till I return, the rest should be taken care of by my Gemma I will also inform the counsel of elders on my leaving"

"No your majesty, you can't do that"


"I suspect that there is a mole in the palace, if you announce it, it is equivalent to telling the vampires that you are going to their territory, and that is a very bad.."

"Let them know..., Wait, what, a mole in the palace, how"

"I think that's likely the case, your majesty"

The Royal physician spoke up.

"When I was examing Mato body, I found traces of violence"

I was shocked by what the Royal physician said, traces of violence which means he didn't enter the water accidentally or by himself, he was attacked.

"What do you mean traces of violence...."


I was speechless, I stared at his majesty, has his IQ gone down the drain, traces of violence means traces of violence, what is there to explain.

"It means he was obviously pushed into the water or he was attacked"

The Royal physician event took the initiative to explain.

"He was attacked?"

Looks like Alex is finding it difficult to digest the news.

"We have a mole in palace...."

"But i swept my palace clean not too long ago, how can there be mole in palace?"

What he meant by swept the palace clean is that he removed all the moles in the palace, or rather killed all the moles in the palace, how did he find them, that I do not know.

"It may be someone you never expected to do this and also I think the person doing this  have been bought over by the vampires recently"

I said to Alex.

"Bought over!, no no, it can't be, no one in the palace dares to even think of betraying me, it must be a vampire who sneaked into the palace and escaped my notice, there is no way anybody will dare betray me, they know my wrath"

I rolled my eyes at him, he is always like this, thinking no one dares to betray him.

"Your majesty,you have to accept the truth, you have been betrayed and the mole has a strong root in the palace to be able to follow Mato out and push in into the water"

I Poured cold water on him, quenching his hope.

"I think they fought, and the person must be weak that is why he followed him knowing that he was poisoned"

The Royal physician said


Alex and I shouted at the same time.

"It is only the three of us that knows that he is poisoned, how can someone else know , that is impossible right?"

I stared at the Royal physician with shock visible on my face.

"Not only did he know, that person also knows that water can prolong the effect of the poison, so that I why he pushed him into the water seeing that he can't kill him."

The Royal physician said.

"And the person should know that his body is very weak and won't be able to withstand and attack"

I stared wide eyed at the Royal physician, that means the person position in the vampire kingdom is very high for him to be able to ascertain this.

"Actually I think I know who might have done this"