Chapter 26 MOON PACK



The guardians protected their own realms a lot and does not interfere in each other realms especially the guardian of the human realm, the human realm is the weakest realm but had many treasures so the guardian of the human realm has placed a strict rule to all shapeshifters and ghost and other creatures, if you have to come to the human realm, you would lose all your powers and become like a human as long as you remain in the human realm.

The ghost realm is the strongest and most powerful of the three realms, some rumors was once spread across the three realms.


The rumor say that the guardian of the ghost realm is the eldest of the three guardians and is  not only well versed in arrays and very powerful, it is said that, the reason the ghost realm is so powerful is because of the guardian. The ghost realm is a place that when one dies either from the human or mortality realm, his soul would go to the ghost realm but not with his memories, when he leaves his body, his memories of his life dies with the body. The ghost realm is like another chance in life but without your memories from your past life, but also a last chance too cause  once a person dies there, his soul dissipate forever.

It is also rumored that there is also another realm besides the three realm and also aside from this planet, there is another sub-dimensional planet, but all of these are just rumors passed down from generation to generation, nobody knows if it is true or a made up story. The human realm just contains only human and some animals, same with the ghost realm(only ghost), but in the mortality realm, there are all kinds of creatures and kingdom, the munezine monsters ruled the mortality realm, they for see the affairs of the mortality realm but do not and cannot  participate in it's wars between creatures, that is a mandate placed by the moon goddess herself,  they are also the strongest creature in the mortality realm.

There are the vampires, werewolves, witches, dragons, fairies and other creatures. The vampires only have one large kingdom same with the other creatures but the werewolves have different packs, the moon pack kingdom, the Azure pack kingdom, the scarlet pack kingdom, the Emerald pack kingdom, and lastly the pack that took after the name of the realm, a daring thing to do.'the mortality pack kingdom'.

All these packs have an ancestor who is above one thousand years old living in each kingdom, they are the ones who had stopped the bloodthirsty kingdom from fighting their brother nation.

The moon pack kingdom is the largest pack and the head of all the other pack, but there are not necessarily the strongest pack, the strongest pack kingdom is the Emerald pack kingdom, Azure pack kingdom is the second to the strongest pack kingdom, because they have the backing of the Azure dragons who is the strongest dragons on the mortality realm, they are followed by the scarlet pack kingdom, they are not very strong but they have the highest military personnel's. The mortality pack kingdom is the weakest and smallest of the five werewolves kingdom, they depend solely on the moon pack kingdom next to their kingdom, the reason for their weakness is that it was the last kingdom created.

The moon pack kingdom was the first kingdom to be created by the first Alpha who gave birth to three princes, the first  was to take over  and become the alpha of moon pack kingdom when he dies, while the second son is very strong, way stronger than his first brother and he craved to be king but can't bear to stage a revolt against his beloved brother, so he took his followers and left, he created the Emerald pack kingdom, the strongest kingdom till date. The third prince fell in love with an azure dragon slave and wants to marry her but his father wouldn't accept her as he sees her as an abomination to the land, to mate with a slave is simply too much sin for a prince. He talked to his mother the Luna but he was as persistent as his father if not more, she said once.

'The royal blood can't marry a slave, it would tarnish the bloodline, if you want go marry an Azure dragon, why didn't you marry their princess, she is more beautiful and elegant than this slave."

But the third prince has fallen deeply in love with the slave that he can't be pulled out, he was not willing to give up on his lover, so he decided that if the kingdom and his father can't accept her, he would create a kingdom that will accept and respect her as their Luna.

Soon he left the kingdom with his soldiers and followers and formed his own pack called the Azure pack kingdom, he named it after his beloved Luna race. Then his father and brothers had tried to stop him from leaving but he wouldn't budge, he left the kingdom.

It was later found out that the Azure dragon slave that he married is the long lost princess of the Azure dragon race, by then the alpha regretted his decision and wanted him to come back to his kingdom as he can't bear seeing his sons separated but he refused his fathers offer saying he can't bear to leave his newly formed pack and family.

That is how the first three kingdom was created. Then the Azure dragon race wasn't the strongest dragon race, but as time went on, they became a formidable race, and that is why they are supporting the Azure  pack kingdom because they see themselves as one, that is to say the Azure pack kingdom is not weak, they royal family have the bloodline of dragons, even if the bloodline is faint but its still there, and a few of them even have the opportunity to awaken their bloodline.

The scarlet pack kingdom was later created by the descendant of the moon pack alpha, it is said that he is very strong and extremely rebellious, he left the kingdom when he couldn't revolt against his brother who was the alpha then because he is very powerful. He left the kingdom, created his own pack, he also married a dragon but not the Azure race dragon. The dragons have just one large kingdom but inside the kingdom there are different race dragons of different species.