Chapter 32



Alex didn't hold back when beating him up, but am puzzled, why didn't he kill him, is so unlike him to show mercy to those who tried to attack him.

"Why did you beat him up like this then, since you said you don't want him dead, why.....?"

"Because he dares to attack me"

He spat out angrily, staring daggers at the half dead wolf.

"You said it yourself that he is not a rogue, why did you beat him up in the first place, no I want to know why you didn't kill him straight away, that is so very unlike you...."


"I....I wanted to teach him a lesson"


Utterly speechless, was he always this petty, venting his anger on someone he don't even know before. The wolf let out a painful growl and turned into a human form, his body is that of a child, very surprisingly, a child can actually turn into an adult wolf, he was severely injured all over his body and he looked innocent with his big and pure eyes. I walked towards him and squatted to reach his level to talk to him.

"What's your name kid and what are you doing here all alone in the vampire's territory"

"Am not a kid"

He retorted harshly, its not my fault, he looks like a kid. it is actually funny how his big round eyes was filled with anger for calling him a kid, I found his angry face cute, i couldn't resist the urge anymore as I pinched his cheeks.

"So cute"

"Am not cute, don't touch me"

I chuckled at him.

"What are you doing here alone, where....."

"Really, are we doing this now, we have to leave now"

Alex said with a hiss, i stared at him angrily, it is actually his fault the little kid is like this now, I can't bear to leave him this way, this is the vampire's territory, if they find him here, he might be killed.

"You don't have to wait for me, you can leave if you want to, it is not like I don't know the way there."

I said angrily to him and he stopped talking. I turned my attention back to the kid.

"Why did you attack us now kiddo"

I asked gently.

"Because you are a witch"


Am unable to refute his words, this is my first.

"And am not a kid"

Wow, this kid talks like he is not affected by the grave injury on his body, like he is used to getting injured, a normal kid would at least be screaming in pain at the rate of his injury.

"How did you know that am a witch"

I asked extremely puzzled on how he could tell that am a witch, I hide my scent well, nobody will know am a witch except he knows me before, unless...

"How wouldn't I know"

He asked back. I signed, what a kid, he always have a question for an answer for every single question he is asked, I tried explaining to him anyways.

"Because, I covered my aura, nobody who sees me know will know that am a witch, except a very powerful witch, are you..."

I frowned, that is a possibility, but he is just a wolf, he can't be a witch, right, or is he a half witch, that's possible.

"Alright, alright kid, can you walk?"

Alex asked the boy not too politely.

"Am not a kid"

He shouted back angrily. I glared at Alex, I am almost succeeding at getting my answers from the kid but he just have to stop it.

"What is your name"

I asked the kid gently but he just looked away angrily, not intending to answer my question.

"It is okay if you can't tell me your name, but I have to treat you now and then we shall leave, it is dangerous here, you have to go back to your pack okay"

I said to him a with a coaxing voice and surprisingly the boy expression changed, his bright eyes became sad in an instant, he lowered his head down.

"I don't belong to any pack"

He uttered bitterly.

"Are you a rogue, but..."

"Am not a rogue either, though it would have been better if I was, am just homeless"

He said and burst into tears, I was shocked at his sudden outburst, soon I came over my shock and bended down to hug him, while patting his back, it must have been hard on him.

"It's okay, you can come with us, okay"

"No, I can't"

He suddenly stopped crying and stood up abruptly, resulting in his tearing open his wound and he winced in pain.

"Why are you so agitated, you will be safe with us..."

"I don't want to "

He screamed at me.

"He can't come with us"

Alex suddenly said


"Because he will delay us, remember Mato is still uncounsious and has only one month left, we have to hurry up"

I signed, that is indeed true, we can't delay any longer, I looked at the kid, I can't hear to leave him here like that.

"Why don't you want to go with us and why did you attack us first, don't you know you could have been killed if it was someone else.."

I asked with headache, this kid is really stubborn.

"I said it before, its because you are a witch and I hate witches"

His big pure eyes were filled with anger.

"Why do you hate witches and what are you doing here"

I asked him seriously but he just cast his face downwards, seriously why did he keep insisting he is not a kid when obviously he is one. I left the kid to think about what I said and walked to Alex.

"He is not a kid"

He began.

"And also, he is of royal bloodline"


A Royal bloodline, and not a kid, what shocking news is this.

"What is he doing here all alone in the territory of the vampires, without guards, if he is of Royal bloodline like you said, he will be protected considering how small he is"

I said and Alex signed.