Studiyng in the library

When a friend with a taste different from yours decides to read something you like, there is no way not to be nervous and anxious for your reaction. Theodore loved to read novels to daydream, imagining that any of them could happen to him. Or just to have fun with the surreal adventures.

However, it was the first time someone had asked to read one of the novels that accompanied online.

It wasn't anyone who asked.

Outside Gabriel.

The guy Theodore had fallen in love with.

He had tried in every possible way to make him rethink his sudden request, reminding him that it was a gay romance. A story where two boys would fall in love, kiss and experience trials of their love. Not all people would feel good about reading a story like that, so their fear was justified.

Yet Gabriel insisted until he got the link and left MSN to read it. Since then Theodore had not had a minute's peace.

The only thing he didn't want to happen was for his crush to get mad and get away from him. It was too late for that to happen. Even if the two stopped talking, Theodore would watch him secretly feeding his feelings until the time came for someone else to come into his life.

Everything would be fine, as long as Gabriel did not know his feelings. Cursed was the Milles who saw beyond account!

On Friday, Theodore had arrived earlier at school heading to the library. He had agreed to study together with Gabriel, but the surprising events of post-training forced the two boys to reschedule their little appointment.

Gabriel had praised his notes in history while despising his. The omega had been so happy with the invitation that he had spent the whole week studying the content of the test to help his crush. If he could use that one hour and a half before school starts to help Gabriel, Theodore would be happy for the rest of his life.

Entering the silent library, the boy noticed other students scattered on some tables with their faces stuck in books. He would not be the only one to take test week seriously, which left him slightly relieved not to be alone.

He had chosen a table near the window, the same one they shared the last time he was there with the brunette. Leaving the backpack on his lap, he removed his notebooks and books preparing the material for the study. He was so focused on looking for the chapter of the book, that he almost screamed as he felt a hand on his shoulder squeezing it lightly. Turning sharply back, he found Gabriel's gentle and cheerful smile.

― Good morning, Theodore!

― What a fright... ― The blond boy whispered with his hand over his chest. ― Seriously... Do you intend to kill me from the heart?

― I could not resist, I saw that you was all concentrated.

The brunette sat next to the blonde, also taking his study material from the backpack.

― Did you ever study anything?

― I read a little and tried to summarize one of the texts in the notebook, but spent more time looking at Orkut than reading.

Theodore had let out a low laugh, handing his notebook to the boy. Gabriel held the same passing his eyes over the lines and widening his smile before turning to the blonde.

― You detail a lot, how do you do it?

― I like history ― Answer simplistic. ― Use to make your summaries, and if you have questions I can explain.

― Thanks!

Without wasting time, Gabriel had opened his own notebook, starting to copy Theodore's summaries. The omega contained his smile pulling the history book to give another read in the content, but it was difficult when the flirt was on his side.

Once in a while his attention went to the alpha, watching how he looked when concentrated. Usually Gabriel had a soft expression looking like a prince who came out of a fairy tale. His voice was usually calm, and even his laughter was good to hear.

Studying for the test so concentrated was not much different. Even serious remained beautiful. Theodore realized that his jaw was well defined, his face was thin as was his nose. The eyelashes were large and dark, standing out on the whitish complexion.

Slowly his analysis had ended up down Gabriel's neck and part of his pectoral. The white shirt had the first two buttons open, showing the smooth skin of the boy. Theodore swallowed dry. "Stop looking!" He fought with himself, not so successful.

Everything got worse when he noticed the sleeves of the shirt bent to the elbow, showing Gabriel's thin arm. The skin was so whitish that the veins leapt clearly from the forearm to the hand.

It was there that Theodore's heart went to the ruins. For some unknown reason, those veins attracted his attention differently. After all, he also had veins popping in his arms, but Gabriel's were... sexy.

― Hey, Theodore, what's written here?

Waking from his own thoughts, he felt his face suddenly warm.

― Hm? Where?

Gabriel had pointed to his friend's notebook, having Theodore lean in to read and ask questions.

― Ah... Auschwitz, is the name of a concentration camp in Poland, one of the best known during World War II.

The brunette scratched his head with the tip of the pencil, looking confused with the contents of the test. Theodore swallowed his laugh, sitting sideways on the chair.

― You want me to explain?

—Sure, that's a lot of information.

Happy with the request for help from his friend, Theodore leaned closer to Gabriel and could begin his explanation. He had to control his tone so as not to disturb the other students, which was not a bad whole since they seemed to share a secret only from them.

Gabriel paid attention to the explanation, making important notes. He was taking the story seriously, which made the blonde happy to be so helpful.

The whole study had taken the time they had programmed before they went to class. However, even before they are finished, Theodore's phone beeps receiving a message. While Gabriel continued to copy, the omega took the opportunity to read Nicolas's message.

― Looks like the biology teacher isn't here yet.

― Do we have biology in the first hour?

― Nico just reported that the coordinator stopped by the room to warn.

Gabriel sighed cheerfully, stretching his arms to stretch.

― More time for me to study...

Theodore leaned over to read Gabriel's summary, eventually yawning silently.

― Are you sleepy?

― Well... I got up early so I could come.

― Take a nap, I still have one more chapter to read.

He had not dared to refuse the request. He was already accustomed to getting up early, but had woken up two hours earlier than usual such was his anxiety. Crossing his arms on the table and lying his head, Theodore closed his eyes sighing low feeling the sleep embrace him.

He fell asleep immediately.

Gabriel had finished copying the summary of the blonde and had read the last chapter. He had spent some time studying the content of the test, memorizing some key points of the matter until fatigue had also reached him.

Taking the phone to check the time, he realized that soon they would have to go to the classroom. About to awaken his friend from the little nap, Gabriel paralysed.

Theodore slept soundly beside him. Part of his face hidden in his arms folded. He snored softly and low. Extending his hand, he had taken a lock of blond hair from his forehead, being able to see better the closed eyes.

Tum Tum... Tum Tum... Tum Tum... Tum Tum...

The heart accelerated considerably, a smile appeared on his face enjoying that view. Picking up the phone on the table, Gabriel had taken a picture of Theodore sleeping, having a snap of consciousness at the same instant.

Holding his cell phone in his pocket, the brunette slapped his cheeks before shaking the blonde's arm.

― Theodore.... Theodore we have to go to class...

Blond didn't even move.

If he shook it more could hurt him, but nothing he did seemed to wake the sleeping boy. Gabriel flattened his hand on the face of the blonde, feeling the softness and warmth of Theodore warm him. His fingers rose to the blond hair, caressing them gently as his face approached the other.

― Theodore, time to wake up.

The caress on the hair had the expected effect. Slowly the light eyes opened lazily, blinking sleepily to get used. Theodore took a few seconds to assimilate the situation, but did not move.

He didn't even want to.

The heat in his head was so good.

Only that heat had moved away from him, and Theodore had raised his head scratching his eyes and stretching his arms forward.

― Have you finished copying?

― Uhum. Class is over, so we have to get back.

Sighing still sleepy, Theodore kept his stuff in his backpack and had risen from the chair being accompanied by Gabriel leaving the library.

One struggled with sudden sleep, trying to stay awake and regaining the beautiful dream he had in that nap. The other struggled with his own confused thoughts, firmly holding a cell phone in his pants pocket, knowing that there was a secret photo.