Surviving another day

When asked if Gabriel would act strange, Theodore should have wondered too. He would give himself credit, therefore, he did not imagine that when he stepped in the school yard his stomach would turn just to yearn to see the alpha.

He was very anxious.

So he wanted to run.

It was just unpleasant to feel that way. Nor had he been able to sit under the Tabebuia as usual, going straight to the hallway waiting at the door of the classroom where he could face the floor waiting for time to pass. If He stayed in the yard, he could find Gabriel, and he had no idea what face to make.

Sure he will blush. Would he make some weird face? He didn't. He wanted to pass tranquility, make use of the same face he had made the night before when meeting with his best friend. Pretend that nothing happened.

That would be too mean, wouldn't it?

He couldn't pretend. Something actually happened. And it was very good.

Scratching his neck, the omega realized how pathetic he was being. Running away from Gabriel could only say something was wrong. They did nothing wrong.

Maybe doing that at school...

Yeah. He did something right in the wrong environment.

But that wasn't the point he wanted to make.

― Hey, Theodore! Good morning!

Shaking his head to keep his thoughts away when he heard Sam call, Theodore raised his eyes and smiled kindly at the two first-year boys who were approaching along the corridor.

― What's up guys!

— Lilian gave me the message about Saturday. ― Sam said smiling all cheerful. Should like, and very much, Lilian to smile that way just to mention it ― And we are thinking of meeting in the stands this Saturday to make an organized crowd. What do you think?

― An organized crowd?

― Yeah... I mean, you guys are gonna compete in the quarterfinals already, right?

— If we manage to beat the team we will play in the morning, I think in the afternoon they will play the quarterfinals. ― Pondered Theodore agreeing with the head. ― Ah, Lilian said she had a classmate on the team, didn't she?

― It's him here. ― Smile Sam hugging the other boy who accompanied him.

Theodore looked at him intently and widened his eyes.

― Wow, I had no idea, it was my bad Bruno.

The boy of medium height and curved shoulders had opened a tired smile.

― It's okay, I'm used to not being present.

Theodore wanted to say "I know," but he limited himself in a grimace of grief. Bruno had a similar posture to Nicolas, apart from the fact that he never stood out on the court. His presence was almost invisible during training. Not knowing how to work well with his lack of presence, the technician ended up putting him in the reserve.

― Are you anxious to step on the court Saturday?

― Don't even talk, I feel like I'm going to have a tummy ache. And that makes me even more nervous.

― Before the game starts I can help you warm up, and then I'll do something to relax you. What do you think?

Bruno had opened a lazy smile.

― Would you do it? I would be very grateful!

He couldn't help but laugh at the similarity between him and his best friend. The lazy aura was too big. Did Bruno have any hidden talents like his captain? Theodore felt that would be the case.

― All right. So what do you want to do about the crowd?

— Ah, Lilian had already made something this week and we were rehearsing until the end of class. ― Whispering to Theodore, Sam peeked his suspicious eyes ― When I asked if you already knew this she ran away from the subject, so know that our representative is a ninja disguised as an angel.

Theodore suppresses the laughter.

― I'll keep that in mind and keep an eye on her.

― Right. Oh, so I decided to detail what we intend to do, since Bruno commented something about the captain of the team not really like noises.

The three approached and leaned over the roles that Sam presented. Theodore was surprised that the deputy class representative of the first year was so keen to detail a simple team crowd. The positions of each one, the space they intended to occupy in the stands, the equipment they intended to take, the letter of the crowd and even the moments they considered opportune to cheer.

Bruno gave some punctual hints about the moments he considered ideal for certain screams of earth. Even the length of time they had worked out. All this from their observation in the reserve bank. Theodore couldn't be surprised by those boys.

It seemed that Lilian's room was full of intelligent and talented people. All these talents were used and directed by their class representative. Certainly Theodore had befriended a person who acted like a ninja... Or rather, would be a ninja leader.

― You think we can do that?

― I'll talk to Nico and the teacher, and see what they think. If Nico knows in advance of the crowd, I don't think he'll get angry.

― That's what I thought. But will our class be enough? The teams from the other schools seem to have much bigger fans.

— We will win in the question organization, that's what Lilian said. ― Smile Bruno, who soon hugged Theodore by the shoulder shaking him ― And besides, we have our handsome here who will surely have his wave of fans joining us.

Fan base? Theodore? The omega laughs. He had no fans. One or another person had talked to him since the history of Orkut, but there were not so many people. He doubted very much that these people had the courage to join the fans of the first year, who was his official supporter.

― Your brother might as well join us. Since their representative is Mckenzie.

— It would be nice if Theodore's class joined. But Lilian said that this first match will be essential for other classes to watch us and want to be part of it. I'm telling you, she thought of everything.

― You really like her. ― Theodore murmured, laughing when Sam's cheeks turned pink.

― Look how much fun they seem to be having.

The three boys raised their eyes to Mckenzie's small group standing in the hallway. Theodore stiffened his shoulders the moment he found Gabriel next to Sadie, his arm clinging to the girl's. A bitter taste had risen in his mouth, making him look away only to snitch.

― Any problem? We are talking to our representative. ― Asked Sam looking confident.


Yes, Theodore felt his arm tremble, since it was still on his shoulders. Was that boy taking courage to defend him?

― No problem. It seems that little Theo finally made new friends and could leave the others alone.

Sadie squeezed Gabriel's arm down to the alpha's wrist. Watching that with a peek of eyes, Theodore returned to the look of Gabriel.

If there was any sign of nervousness before, he was gone. He had completely forgotten the hindrance that still existed in his path.

― So how about you leave little Theo alone too? ― Grumbled Sam, pressing the hug in the omega.

― Is that his new boyfriend? He's defending him tooth and nail.

Ah... it was that story again.

Sadie would always press the button of Theodore's boyfriend. Always. As long as Theodore didn't get someone to sign a relationship, she wouldn't settle down.

Theodore remembered Lilian's conversation last night. She was happy with his words about having his own time to take courage and face Sadie, or anyone else who tried to fight him. And he was grateful too. Yet Theodore wanted to be stronger. Depend less on other people, especially Nicolas, to defend himself.

It was your fight and nobody else's.

Lilian wanted Theodore to see her own glow, and he too had come to desire it.

Lifting his shoulders in a courageous attitude, Theodore returned the gaze of Sadie opening a smile.

― And you? Have you got a boyfriend to stop taking care of my life? ― Theodore looked directly at Gabriel ― Or does he not know yet?

Gabriel had taken a step being held by Sadie, about to answer the omega. But his mouth had also shut.

― I don't want you to seduce him like you did my cousin. I'll wait for them to put a collar around your neck.

Don't let it get to you.

Don't lower your head.

Take a deep breath and stay calm. She wants to destabilize you.

― Do you have that little confidence? Are you lowering yourself?

― Lowering me, if you play faggot!

— So you can find a boyfriend with peace of mind. Because even if you have other, more beautiful people around you, he'll keep looking at you. ― Opening a sneaky smile, Theodore crossed his arms. ― Do I really need to teach you this kind of thing? Is it so covered, Sadie?

Thunder had come out from behind the girl, holding the collar of Theodore's sweatshirt fiercely.

― Better watch your tongue, since your man's not here to defend you.

― Are you sure?

Theodore's response was a mere whisper as Gabriel appeared holding Thunder's fist to push him away. The alpha's icy gaze had certainly caused some fear in the player, though it did not let on.

Fixing the hoodie, Theodore smiled victorious. He had seen the alpha disengage from Sadie's arms just as Thunder had run towards him. However, he imagined that he would take him out to talk, not grab his team-mate. After all, Theodore also shuddered at that look.

Turning to the two first-year boys, Theodore smiled at them.

― Let's talk to the technician about these details. So you can get organized about it today.

― Are you running away your turd? ― Thunder was still being held back by a silent Gabriel.

It was Theodore's turn to look coldly at that group. A sneaky look over his shoulder, despite the tip of his lips subtly raised showing a touch of malice.

― Whoever's on the bench should behave, otherwise they'll never step on the court. Be a good boy, Thunder.

He had cast one last glance at Gabriel, perhaps full of meanings that he hoped the alpha would understand.

Yes, it would be that world he would enter. Where everyone would speak ill of himself. A world where being silent was an even more painful condemnation. Theodore had warned Gabriel the night before that he should stand. He had warned, for he knew that Sadie would not hide his sharp claws against his neck.

To his sadness, Gabriel seemed to have not yet decided.

Although the night before, he made the opposite point.

Fuck, Gabriel jerked him off to cum! It turned him on so much that he left in that state. And still said that would prove his feelings. Would it be like that? Would he taste your feelings only when they were alone?

Gabriel seemed to hide something. Theodore felt it. At the same time he trusted him, because he was always there. Like a prince charming ready to save him.

It was getting too confusing.

When the three boys walked away from that stuffy hallway, Sam looked at Theodore, who had his fists clenched and trembling. Leaning down to whisper to him, Sam tried to stroke the omega's shoulders to calm him down.

― Are you sure it's okay to say those things?

― It's okay. I didn't do anything wrong, I never slept with someone I didn't want to. So why should I have my tail stuck between my legs?

A smile appeared on the lips of Sam and Bruno.

― We're with you, man.

This time Theodore had survived with the help of his newest friends. And as he passed through the halls to go to the teachers' room, a determined gaze shone upon his face.

If it was an intense game that Sadie and Gabriel wanted. That's what they would have.