
Riko exhaled trying to relax his nerves, today the interview is going to take place and he couldn't but be nervous.

He stared at himself in the mirror unsure of how he is meant to compose himself before the interviewer.

His phone beeped and he received a text message.

Outside Riko's house, Sora leaned on a black Chevrolet facing the door.

Riko came out and she said to him 'hurry up or we're going to be late'.

They soon arrived at the gates of SK Corp, as the gates opened Riko's lost anxiety came back.

Sora-Calm down you are going to do great

Riko-You think so?

Sora- I know so.

Riko stared at the gigantic building before him, buildings in City are mostly high rise buildings but SK Corp was on another level, he almost fell from trying to see the end of the building.

The doors opened and Riko was wowed by the interior, everything looked expensive and high class.

Sora dragged him to the elevator, the people in the elevator were all dressed corporately, Riko was starting to feel out of place with his white shirt and black jean trouser.

Noticing Riko getting nervous, Sora kept saying words of encouragement.


Sora escorted me all the way to the reception area before saying goodbye.

Though I came early a lot of interviewees were already here waiting for the interview to begin.

The interview began two minute after my arrival, those who were interviewed before all came out looking like they went through a storm.

It was finally my turn and Sora voice telling me to remain calm replaying in my head.

I went into the office, the atmosphere in the office could make anyone uncomfortable.

Sora already told me that the boss was the interviewer so I have to be very careful.

'You can have your seat' he said.

His voice sounded familiar and for the first time since I entered I looked up at his face.

I got lost once I saw his eyes, his deep blue eyes reminded me of the masked man I met the first day I came to City D.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that I am here for an interview.

His eye color being the same as the masked man is just a coincidence.

I erased all irrelevant thoughts in my mind and focused on the interview.

The blank expression on Lex's face changed to a smile as Riko walked out of the door.