"WHAT THE FUCK???", said Emma being horrified by what just happened.

"I've seen this golden-brownish snake before, but I can't recall it." I checked his instagram id from where he agreed to teach me, it vanished too.

I felt creepy as if someone's after me but he only teached me for good. What bad outcome could come out of it? Maybe he was my well-wisher. Well I hope that. "Stop overthinking Emma and sleep! Tomorrow will be a fresh start of your new life", Emma said to herself. She opened her arms and legs and drifted off.

The next morning was energetic enough, I could feel the adrenaline in my veins shouting amuse.

I wore a white colored dress, as I like wearing white color when I'm happy. The dress could cover my knees and it fitted my curvy body perfectly. I looked myself from sides in the mirror and all I could do was praise my big buttocks. I put on my nude lipstick with light brown shade and went out of the room.

"Seo Jin's family is here and you look so pretty", said Emma's mother.

"Thankyou mother! Let's catch up with them".

I went with Seo and her brother, Cam to the airport in their car while mother went in her car with Seo's mom. We drove happily all the way to the airport.

It took us 14 tiring hours to reach Boston. When we were in the cab, roaming around Boston, mom seemed emotional, only if I could bring back father and take her sorrows away. But I couldn't, as soon as I'll know the reason of my father's death, I will not pity them, I'll make sure they taste the pain; so, for now I lied my head over mom's shoulder, maybe it'll make her feel better.

We bought the house we chosed, it had a dunk pool in the backyard and serene trees on the both sides of the frontyard. We are not rich enough to buy such luxuries but this house was small, beautiful and on sale with less price, seemed comfortable enough for us to live in. I think it was in our luck.

Since two days in Boston, we unpacked our stuff and settled the house. Tomorrow is my first day at Harvard.

*Alarm buzzing*, this was one of the days when I didn't want to throw my alarm clock. I was stimulated for this day since so many years.

"You are gonna kill it, Emmaa!" I said excitedly while looking in the mirror. I wore a white jumpsuit, with a v-neck, it showed my cleavage and it suited me well.

Harvard was 15 min walking distance from my house. I loved walking as it builds up my glutes and helps me to be in shape.

As I passed the doors of Harvard, I felt accomplished, I looked at the cloudy sky and smiled towards it. I was feeling so grateful until I heard a voice,

"You fucking cunt!!", an unknown voice.