As Luna and I went to the cafeteria, we bought some snacks and sat there.

"Your comeback was quite intense" said Luna.

I smiled at her.

"I wonder who was behind that" I said.

"Prolly some jealous tramp!" Luna said and rolled her eyes.

"I met a girl in my cheerleading class, 'Merilyn Drake'. She is the sister of Aston. Quite hot" Luna said with amuse while clenching her palms.

I glared at her and was implied by her reaction, "Ohhh!"

"Well yeahh, I'm interested in her!" said Luna.

I started teasing her when I saw Aston sipping his espresso and instigating his way. My eyes couldn't escape his juicy lips then I wandered over his long smooth neck muscles movement. He was blowing my mind.

"Oh it's Aston, let me call him over. I'll introduce myself to your pal", said Luna.

I was trying to neglect him after our last encounter and she is trying to make me recall it. Arghh. I nodded.

"Aston, come join us!", said Luna.

I was observing him for his reaction. I'm sure you don't want to make it awkward by coming here.

He looked up and started heading towards us.

I got goosebumps all over my body.

He sat just beside me out of all the six chairs around us. What are you scheming now, Astonn?

"So you are friends with Emma! I'm Luna"

Luna and Aston handshaked.

"As she already told you about me" Aston said and looked at me, I was still glaring at him. He continued, "I'm pleased to meet you, Luna"

"I'm also friends with your sister, Aston!" said Luna.

Suddenly, "Merilyn Drake here guys! Glad to know I am the hot topic right now"

We all started laughing and Marilyn sat aside Luna.

Aston and Merilyn surely got best of their genes. I looked at Aston, ardently.

He seemed as if he was waiting for something deliberately as he was looking at his watch.

"THREE, TWO, ONE", a robotic voice came.

We all turned our heads towards the tv that was at the back of the cafeteria. Suddenly, a girl appeared, "Emma Stone is not a slut. I sent that scandalous video. It was not Emma's. I'm sorry for the disgrace I brought over you, Emma."

I was shocked. I recalled that she was Yeon's new girlfriend.

I turned back when I saw Aston glaring at the tv screen wickedly.

What's that reaction?

"WOW, THAT WAS IMMENSE!" Luna said while banging on the table.

We all laughed at her response.

"That really was big. Was she forced to do this?", said Merilyn.

She wouldn't have done this on her own. Tho, I'm glad how it turned out to be.

"Who must've forced her?" said Luna.

We all were wondering when suddenly Luna yelled, "EMMA'S ADMIRER!!"

Both Luna and Merilyn started banging on the table while mocking me.

Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at us, as if I give a damn right now. I started laughing with them while banging the table too. Instantly, Aston slowly came near me, gazing at me, I was startled and he whispered, "She had it coming!"

He stood up and left the cafeteria leaving me unspeakable.

Luna drove me home.

I was gleeful as I entered my house. My smile was out of my control.

I went for a cold shower. When I was about to unhook my bra, I suddenly recalled Aston's hand sliding over my back. It gave me shivers. I gasped.

I want to be touched by him again. His touch was arousing and warming. I continued taking my shower.

After I took a shower, I lied on my bed.

"Emma! Emma!"

I heard mother calling me out when I cleared my blurry vision after napping.

As I was trying to get up from the bed, mother rushed in my room, "Oh darling, did I wake you up?" She said while smiling and raising her eyebrows.

"Well yeah, you snapped me outta my dream I just had!", I said while yawning.

"But you are awake now", she said with joy, then held me from back and tugged me off to the frontyard, "I'm gonna fall mom, what are you so happy about?"

"You have to see this yourself" she said with amuse.

I saw a red four seater car. "Is this ours?"

"Yes!! I finally bought a car for us" said mother happily.

"I'm glad mother", I hugged her.

This day is legit, so many good things happened today.

It was almost 9 pm, I finished making my assignment and lied on bed.

"Ah, I'm so tired!"


I held my phone and saw someone messaged me on line.

I opened the message and got shocked.