"You can't" I heard and suddenly looked aside.

It was Merilyn.

"She has a class to attend now" Merilyn said and patted on my shoulder. "Lets go home, mother asked for both of us." said Merilyn.

I nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow then! I've to check on my courses" said John. We proceeded our ways.

I cranked my car and headed to mother's house. On my way, I couldn't stop thinking for what mother called us. It took an hour to reach.

Two men in black suits were standing at each side of the gates when I stopped my car infront of it. I took a glimpse of mother's house. It was still the same since I left. The golden-brownish snake was still sparkling in between the gates. The yard was filled with greens hardly deprived of any breed of flowers. It was a breathtaking sight.

I took off my shades, "Good Morning Sir!" the guards greeted and unlatched the barriers.


I glared at my rear view mirror. It was Merilyn's car behind mine. I drove inside and parked my car so did Merilyn. We looked at each other and headed inside our mansion.

"Welcome Mr. Aston and Ms. Merilyn! It's good to see you back", three maids standing alongside greeted us. We smiled at them and headed to the living room.

"It's so pleasant to see you both here my children" mother said. We hugged our mother and placed ourselves on black leather sofa's. "How are your universities going?" mother asked us. "Top-notch" Merilyn said. "Fine" I said. "Glad to know that" mother said. Merilyn suddenly stared at me and said "Mother, your son is finally head over heels for a girl!" Did she really had to bring it up? It's not even like that she just makes me crazy for her. "This is a good news. Bring her over for a dinner sometime, Aston. I would really like to meet her!" mother said. I glared at Merilyn and nodded at mother.

"Mother, is everything alright? You asked for us." I said. Her facial expressions turned gloomy suddenly. "Mother, tell us? What happened?" Merilyn said with widened eyes.

"Your father have cancer! He got only two months." mother said.

I couldn't believe it. "WHAT?" Merilyn and I said at the same time. "This ain't be happening, where is he now?" Merilyn said with her tears pouring out. "I myself didn't believe it at first. But it's an unfortunate truth." Mother said with tears in her eyes. "He was in Miami for business and suddenly felt ill. Currently, he is staying in our house there."

It was so sudden, I didn't see it coming. I felt so low, I didn't know what to say. He has always been there for us. Why did it had to be this way.

"I'll visit him tomorrow, you both can come till next week as Aston you have to attend a meeting for him in two days in Boston!" mother said. "Sure, mother! I'll check it out" I answered her.

I stayed at mother's and went back to my house at night.


I took my class and went straight home. I didn't know why I was feeling blue on my way back.

I took a warm shower and lied on my bed. I closed my eyes and played my playlist. I couldn't stop thinking I kissed him. I made myself clear not to kiss someone after my last breakup. I had only one romantic relationship in my life which was not so romantic because I hate getting physical and every relationship turns out to be like this at the end. I recalled how my first kiss was. I panicked and left the room and the next day I broke up with him.

But with Aston it feels different. I want to be touched more by him. I want to be around him. I feel safe with him. But I had no intentions of kissing him and I didn't even panicked when I kissed him. "How could that be? He feels like my guardian" I want to get him out of my head, "ARGHH!" I screamed.

I rubbed my eyes after dozing off, it was almost 8pm. I went to check on mother. I saw her sitting and hugged her from back. "Oh dear, you scared me. I made you some soup" mother said.

"I love you mother!" I said and embraced her more tightly. "I love you too my baby" mother said.

I suddenly saw some albums she was looking at. It was her and father's pictures. "You both look so cute in this one!" I said to mother and she smiled. I saw a picture of father in office and suddenly my eyes went to a frame of a golden-brownish snake that was on his desk. I was shaken up. It sure was from here I remembered it. It was the same snake that appeared on that blank screen. Who the fuck were you AS00#$? How are you related? "Emma?" said mother while tapping on my shoulder. "Oh yes mother?" I said. "I asked if you want the soup now?" mother said with raised eyebrows. I wanted to ask her what this snake is about but I just couldn't as she'll tell me on my birthday about father's death. I fucking can't wait.

I drank the soup and slept.

I woke up when sun rays tingled my eyes, I felt relaxed and energized. I woke up early. It was 8 and my class was till 10. I stretched my body and thought to go for a drive. I changed into my black gypsy shirred top and black jeans, wore my starry earings and black slingback shoes. "You look sexy Emma" I said to myself while looking in the mirror.

I started my car and drove out. I runned my window down and the felt sun rays all over my face. The sun can kiss me hundred times and I'll still ask for more. I loved sunbathing. I felt the breeze fondling my face. I couldn't ask for a more good start.

I saw a mall and thought to buy some outfits. "Miss, we have one more piece left of this brand, shall I show you?" said the shop assistant while I was gazing at a bubblegum pink colored pegged dress. I nodded. I really liked this one, I checked it's price and it was out of my range. Fuck! I still wanted to try it, so I went to the try room.

I was loving this dress while staring myself in the mirror. I saw myself from side. It really made my figure look so hot.

"I've never seen anyone look so ready to own it!" I heard a man's voice and suddenly turned to see who he was.