"Kind of... seem fair! See you later." I said and took large steps to go far from him, heedlessly going my way, unknown by the reason. I stopped when I reached a window. I held the window trying to catch my breath, I coud finally breath without agitation. The wind wrapped around my face. It was airy and the lush grass was dancing unaware of its bearing.

Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, why does he makes me crazy wet by even not doing anything? Am I sick or what? I glimpsed at my watch, it was almost 6. I should get going.

I almost reached the house when I saw a black Rolls Royce located beside my house. I got goosebumps all over my body, thinking they might be the stalkers mother told me about. I strived taking out my phone from the bag when I heard a rumbling sound. The sky turned dark and vengeful as if it wants to punish the sinners, suddenly so much rain started falling that the sound garbled into one long, thrumming noise. The car sped up and vanished in no time. "FUCK!" I couldn't even see its number plate. I placed the phone back inside my bag and ran to the house. I reached the house all drenched.

"Fuck!" I shouted with disappointment.

I should not tell this to mother or she'll be more stressed. I went to my room and stood infront of the mirror, stared myself for a minute thinking how everything turned upside down in a wink. Mother furnished me with an untroubled life and I littered it by coming here. I sighed and gradually unbuttoned my pants and shirt which was sticked to my body and felt heavy to my touch. My shirt descended down my body, stimulating my nerves as the cold wind suddenly aroused my body. I glanced at my body in the mirror, my nipples were erect and skin felt extremely cold and pale. I changed into a woolen sweatshirt and a trouser to keep myself warm and went to make a coffee. I lied on the sofa, my body almost started getting warm.

I heard a clacking sound which kept stinging my ears. I yawned and saw a comforter over my body. I suddenly averted my eyes, mother coercing her best shot to open a jar, producing a continuous noise. "You are back, Mother!"

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up dear?" said Mother.

"Yeah, instead you should've woke me up earlier." I went to her and hugged her from back. Her sweet scented perfume nourished my nostrils. "I have to go to friend's house, she invited me for dinner, I'm making a dessert for her" said Mother.

"Which friend is it? You never told me about her."

"Oh! Did I not tell you, she's a colleague, a very kind person. She lives in about 30 minutes of distance from here." said Mother.

"I would like to meet her. By the way, I also have a get together with my friends today" I glanced at clock, it was 8:30. "I gotta get ready or I'm gonna be late. See you, love"

"Okay, be safe." said mother.

Her words reminded of the black Rolls Royce. The fear scattered around my body, but I didn't want to tense her up. So, I decided not to say. "You too love!"

I wore a grey drape satin short slip dress, which revealed my upper boobs and covered my upper thighs with black fish net tights and chelsea boots. I posed in the mirror and couldn't get enough of my outfit. "Damnnn Sexy!" I held my mini black leather jacket to keep me warm if needed as it's been windy today. I went downstairs, mother already left. I got a text from Luna. She just came outside.

I hurriedly went out. The cold wind sent shivers all over my body. Duh! I wore my jacket while walking towards the car. Merilyn and Luna were staring at me with surprise. "Hey girls! you both look adorable!" I said and sat inside the car. The car was quite warm.

"Damn Emma, you look so sexy!" said Merilyn.

"Yayy, Aston will go nuts today!" said Luna.

"Well, well, thankyou girls! Do you really have to bring up Aston right now?"

"Okay I'm zipping my mouth, but Aston will surely be down for you today!" said Luna.

I rolled my eyes at her. Her words directly effected my mood. Everytime I think about him, all my nerves gets bizarre, rushing around impulsively. Whoof! I sighed.

We reached Bellingual club in 45 minutes of driving. It was at the end corner of the street. The entrance was beaming as the two metal bars were placed in sequence from start to end, which provided the core for curved light bulbs hanging in middle. "So beautiful!"

"It sure is, lets go inside!" said Merilyn.

As we went in, good vibes got weaving, flowing around like a virus. The earsplitting songs were echoing and the filter colored lights casted throughout the club. In the middle, people were dancing as if it's the last day on earth, a little drunk and hopelessly swaying their bodies with every beat. At one corner, it had sofas seating which seem comforting to my eyes but crowded, some were playing cards, others were smoking pots while the rest were making out. Ah! At the other corner, the bottles of booze were lined up at the bar with bartenders on it's one side and bar stools on it's opposite.

My eyes averted to a guy's back standing beside the bar whose broad shoulders were glowing, exposing every of his shredded muscles as a strobe light suddenly dispersed over him. His back seem alot familiar. I saw many hot guys but his back was where my eyes stopped wandering. As he turned a little on his side. I knew it, he was Aston!

"There they are! Aston and John." said Luna. Suddenly, they faced us. My heart started pounding. Stay calm bitch! Act normal. You've met him several times but every time you drool over him. My instinct kept advising me so I straightened my back and took my lead with Luna and Merilyn beside me.

"Damn girls, you all are slaying!" said John while checking out our dresses.

We all thanked him, while Aston kept staring at me with his stern look, destroying my calming cells.

"What? Did you and Emma secretly wore matching colors? Huhh, Aston? Bro you never do that with me! It's hurting me" said John.

I suddenly glanced at Aston after hearing John, he was also wearing grey. My eyes irresistibly went to his black tight fitted jeans, which revealed his thick muscular thighs, he is for sure good with squats. Recalling John's words, I felt guilty for no reason. John always likes to mess up with me.

"Why John, are you jealous?" said Merilyn teasingly to John. "No Merilyn, but I just realized our bottoms match too!" said John. What the fuck is John trying to do? Is he flirting with Merilyn, despite knowing the fact that she is lesbian.

"Well guys, stop blabbering, what do you want to drink? said Aston while raising his eyebrows.

We all ordered beer. In no time, bartenders served us hazy beers with fluffy heads as a shaving cream in pint glasses. Luna and Merilyn screamed with joy and we sat on stools beside the bar.

"Who wants a champagne mix except Aston?" said John.

"I'll go with hard cider!" just the time I said that Aston got surprised, his pupils were wide open "What?" I said.

"Are you sure? It's a little bit strong" said Aston.

Why do you care? I've always preferred hard cider with beer. "You think I can't handle it?"

He suddenly came near, I almost choked. "I'm sure you can handle alot more" said Aston. What do you mean? He moved back, I took a sigh of relief. His words were confusing me.


"I'll go with champagne!" said Merilyn and Luna, after faking their cough. It's so clear, you don't need to fake it guys. It was becoming uncomfortable to even think that they heard Aston's words. But Aston just whispered, they must have not heard anything. Why am I getting scared like a coward? I didn't do anything wrong. I found it all hard to breath.

I roughly took one beer from John and went at the corner of the bar, where it had several flavors lined in coolers. I poured hard cider. My beer became more foamy, I couldn't wait to taste it. Aston came beside me, holding his beer, he poured some champagne. Others also mixed their flavors.

"To Aston and Emma!" Merilyn melodiously screamed while raising her glass. We all raised our beers and made a toast. John never disappointed in making us laugh with his rants while Merilyn eagerly gave him comebacks.

After we stuffed our booze, Merilyn grabbed me and Luna and took us to the dance floor. "Let's roll! Yoohoo!" shouted Merilyn and started swaying, Luna followed her steps. The thumping bass was vibrating my whole body, triggering my soul to shake a leg. I couldn't help but swing my body side by side with the every beat, raising my hands freely up with high notes, the colorful lights were spinning in circles as if they were finally freed after being entrapped for years, we locked our fingers and whirled around tapping on the dance floor, one clap at a time and moved in cricles, laughing ridiculously because we couldn't stop smiling when we looked at eachother, suddenly I felt my hand grabbed and pulled by force. I twirled round and round on the top of the world as happy as a lark until I was embraced firmly. I raised my eyes. "Aston!" I panted.

Suddenly, he tucked me closer. I gasped and stared at him as his warm smooth body pressed against mine, electrifying my body hot. His one hand slowly went down my lower back. "Why are u so fucking hot today?" Aston hummed near my ear, his cheeks touched mine. His face seem adorable, radiantly showing off his face cut as sharp as a knife.

"Mmm hmm" I murmured and passed a smile. I saw Luna going out of the club. Why is she going out so early? She may be tired already. As the song track changed into up-tempo his hand encircled around my outer thighs giving me tickles. I panted. "I can see it in your.. cold eyes!"

"What can you see, Emma?" He said as we moved our steps at right then left immersed in the song. "You are drowningg... Aston! It will be dark inside..." I giggled.

"And you said you can handle it, you are hopelessly drunk" Aston said.

"I'm sober more than ever, its just... it's taking long.. you are near... I can feel you from near... my.. my words are just... just slow right now.. Al..although, I'm right in my senses. Soberr!! It feels.. good"

"Emma! Sure you are sober!"

I hugged him. Tight. I closed my eyes. It felt cozy in his arms. His strong muscles gave a smooth core to my head.

"Aston? Have you seen Luna?" I heard a voice.

"Yeah.. she just went..." Emma said.

"What Emma? Where did she go?" said someone.

"She went out of the club" Emma said.

"Did something happen?" said Aston.

"I'll tell you later! I have to find her first." said someone.