In a rush, I attempted to regain my balance, only to find Aston's grip tightening, refusing to let me go. Frustration welled up within me, and I let out a sigh, trying to keep it contained.

"I don't" Aston uttered high pitched, his manly voice lacked any trace of emotion, his gaze fixed on Sara. Sara, slyly flashed a faint smile, knowing how curtly Aston had responded to her. With a click of her heels against the ground, she turned around and made her exit.

Aston and I exchanged a knowing glance as if our souls were speaking a language of adoration, silently acknowledging the interruption we hadn't predicted which changed the course of our motives.

I lowered my gaze, releasing myself from Aston's grip which thankfully he didn't try to resist. Glancing at my black rounded watch, I realized my class would start in an hour. A strange sensation washed over me, consumed by our connection that felt different this time. My mind was flooded with thoughts, making it hard to focus.

Abruptly, I spoke up, "My class will start soon. We should leave now." I avoided looking at him, unable to face the questions that my complex expressions would surely provoke, just then I noticed his gloves lying on the floor uselessly. The embarrassment engulfed over me, realizing the impulsive act of removing them from his hands.

Before Aston could say anything, I made my way towards the metal doors, hands quivering while pressing the button to open them, and stepped out.

I grabbed my phone which Aston placed on the wall rack. Frantically scrolling through my contacts, my hands moved with a mind of their own. Luna, no, she's out of town. Merilyn, but she's his sister. What would I even say if she asked? That her brother seduced me and I reciprocated and want to vanish from this place. Conflicting emotions surged within me, unsure if I had fallen for him. No, that couldn't be true. John, not him either, as he's Aston's best friend who would surely spill every detail to him.

I sighed in frustration, realizing I had no one to ask for a ride.

After a while, I heard confident footsteps approaching when I was looking here and there, holding my headphones, searching for a place to put them.

"Here," a sudden voice broke through, causing my heart to race even faster than before. I turned around to see Aston, his hand outstretched, gesturing for me to give him my headphones. His presence towered over me, his face stern as usually. I pressed my lips tightly together and handed him the headphones. He inclined back to the small wooden cupboard that stood aside the concrete wall and placed headphones at its core.

As he turned around, I quickly averted my eyes and walked out of the warehouse. The chilly air outside felt refreshing compared to the stifling atmosphere within the warehouse. I let out a sigh, grateful for the open sky above me.

Soon, Aston came out and we walked along the path, surrounded by green grass and a gentle breeze. The sky above us was filled with grey clouds. Nervousness consumed me throughout the walk. We got into the car, and Aston started driving. I gazed out of the window, admiring the cloudy weather that I loved. Most of the ride was silent until Aston suddenly spoke.

"The farmhouse belongs to my father," he said, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. I looked at him, surprised to discover his wealth. But then I remembered the firearms in the perfectly designed shooting range. Why would they need so many different types of guns? A sense of unease washed over me.

"Why a shooting range?" I asked, eager for his answer.

"It's to fulfill my father's passion and protect our family," Aston replied, his words cutting through the air. He clenched his jaw and accelerated the car slightly.

"He loves his business, and sometimes it costs him. To keep his enemies close, he treats them like friends. Practicing firearms is a way to ensure our safety because you never know when someone's affection changes into hatred."

A chill ran down my spine. Violence was not something I embraced but I realized just before it was me who held the gun. I hesitated, unsure if I should ask the question that lingered in my mind. Is Aston's father involved in illegal activities?

"Do you practice firing like your father?" I asked cautiously, my heart filled with agitation.

A slight smirk appeared across his lips.

"Who would've taught you to aim right? Your aim was nowhere near the target before" he said, raising his eyebrows teasingly. Fury sprinkled with annoyance gushed into me, feeling belittled by his words. I sighed and rolled my eyes in response.

"I assure you, that was my first and last time holding a gun" I replied, though deep down, I couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through me. Holding a weapon had stirred something inside me that I couldn't entirely dismiss.

He pressed his lips together, nodding slightly and hummed promptly as if to say, "Oh, really? Is it truly the last time?" Just then, a wave of unease flushed over me as I remembered the black cars that had been stalking my house, and knowing that my mother kept a gun to protect us. But I had also learned to aim. Still, I didn't want my future self to be entangled in a world of weapons, standing alongside my mother. It pained me to think about where life had taken us. I glanced at the side mirror, catching a glimpse of a sleek black Mustang. But my attention quickly returned to Aston as he asked,

"Are you hungry?"

I shook my head, my voice failing me.

In that moment, he leaned in closer and I could feel my eyes widen, overwhelmed by his proximity, causing my heart to pound harder with each passing second. Nervously, I swallowed, my anticipation growing. He skillfully maneuvered the car with one hand, while his other hand reached behind him. Slowly, he pulled back and retrieved a container, handed it to me, revealing two steaming coffee mugs.

I let out a deep breath, caught off guard by his unexpected gesture. After savoring the warmth of the coffee as I handed him a mug and held one for myself and placed the container on my lap, John and Merilyn popped up in my mind, so I asked,

"How are Merilyn and John?"

"I think they're dating. Last night, when I saw John, he couldn't hide his smile. When I asked if something was wrong, he assured me that everything was good, smiling broadly that it radiated his happiness from within."

I was taken aback by this unexpected development, but deep down, I was delighted for them as they already bonded so good, they surely deserved it. However, the conflict between Luna and Merilyn did dampen my excitement a bit.

"I'm happy for them." said Aston with a genuine smile. I knew how much Aston cared for John, like a little brother since his childhood, treating him almost like his best girlfriend and I couldn't help but wonder how he would navigate this new dynamic when his best girlfriend has his new authentic girlfriend.

I chuckled, lost in my thoughts and realized Aston staring blankly at me, probably thinking I'm out of my mind, so I covered it up by saying,

"I'm happy for them too!"

"Why did you just laughed?" asked Aston, his voice heavy. But just as I was about to respond, his phone rang. He glanced at it, but instead of answering, he accelerated the car.

"You can pick it up what if it's important?" Concerned, I urged him to answer the call, but he didn't. After a few moments, he abruptly stopped the car, and I realized we had arrived at the entrance of our university.

"I'll ask reason to that laugh, soon." Aston said, his voice longing and curious. I stared at him and didn't say much, and then my gaze shifted to the side mirror, I caught a glimpse of my reflection - my face and hair, tightly pinned. Feeling a sudden urge, I removed my scrunchie, letting my hair down and ran my fingers through it. My hair flowed freely, settling into a perfect shape, I noticed a black Mustang behind us, but I didn't pay it much attention. Stepping out of Aston's car, I turned around and flashed him a smile.

"Only if I tell you the reason of my laugh!" I teased, walking away with confidence in my stride.