Head set(1)

Ring ring, Mika phone rang on her way to school looking at the screen it was Tracy calling, Mika best friend. with a smile on her face she answered the incoming call from her friend.

Hey Tracy.

Tomika, Britney, Johnson.

Tomika, Putting a space between her ear and the phone so as to not let Tracy voice bust her ear drum.

Do not tell me you are are still in bed?

I promise you am not in bed.

Mika told her friend.

Are you lying to me? Or playing a prank on?

No no no no no, I promise you that am not playing pranks on you or lying, in fact my mom was the one who played the prank here.

What? you mean your mom played a prank on you?

Not believing what her told.

Yeah, she lied to me that I was running late for school.

and the funniest thing is that I didn't even check my phone, if what my mom was saying was true or false I only sow her wristwatch which proved that I was actually running late,Which leads to me being on my way to school, earlier than usual.

It's a lie.

Tracy Still not believing what her friend said to her.

Wait like seriously, where are you now?

Asking her friend to be sure of her claims.

Across the street, oh wait am almost at our favorite restaurant not far from the academy.

OH my gosh, you are really on your way to school, I can't believe it, you actually coming to school early.

Yeah but don't worry I will tell you everything in details, when I get to the academy okay?

Yeah, yeah, right so you should be able to get here in the next 30 minutes or so.

Yeah see you in the next 30 minutes.

Alright bye. Tracy saying bye and hanging up.

After hanging up the call, Mika opened her bag brought out her head set to play song, when suddenly someone bumps into her and all her homework fill flew out of her hands, the impact also nocked down her head set.

The head set fell and got damaged.

Oh my goodness, my home works are everywhere.

Bending down to pick them up the stranger said to her with a cold voice.

You should be more careful. After saying that he was about to go when he stepped on her head set and it got crushed, he didn't even look back and was about to continue when Mika dragged him back by the hood he was wearing.