Chapter 2

--Mari POV--

I walked back to the woods to continue my quirk training. "Advance.." I whisper to myself as my muscles double in size and a faint aura grows around my body. Taking a deep breathe, I sprint forward, sending a flurry of punches and kicks to the boulder in front of me. cracks spread across the boulder as my feet and hands hammer away at it. With a final roundhouse kick, I shatter it.

"Only 6 seconds to break this time." I say to myself as my muscles shrink back to their original size. My quirk, or quirkS, are called , 'Advance' and 'Limitless'. 'Advance' can multiply my strength, durability, and speed, but takes a crazy amount of stamina. I tried to go up to x5 once, and passed out on the spot. 'Limitless' isn't as flashy. It just gives me the ability to never stop getting stronger. The longer I use it, the stronger my body gets.

I lie down on the ground, stretching my limbs. "Today was entertaining.. Wonder if I'll see those guys again.." I asked myself.

I'd never really been one for school. My parents aren't exactly what you'd call "Role Models". My father is always overseas working and my mother works as a lawyer. I'm pretty much alone all the time.

3rd POV

After laying down on the grass and a long internal conversation, she had decided to go to school. Middle school. "I ain't the most clean kid, but Elementary school pretty much invented the word 'unsanitary'." Mari said to herself as she shivered. She then stood up, dusting herself off. "Guess that's enough training for today! But from here on, I'll have to train twice as hard to make sure I don't disappoint my 'rival'." She said to herself with a small laugh and a devious smile. She walked through the forest and across the playground and into an apartment of decent size. "I'm home!" She shouted. She had made it a habit to announce her arrival when she entered, hoping to get some kind of response from one of her parents.

With a sigh, she made her way to the kitchen. She'd seen on YouTube that chicken and rice was perfect for muscle gaining, so she'd eat it everyday, along with Strawberry ice cream. As much as she hated constantly eating the same meal, the ice cream made it a bit easier for her.

As she choked down the last bit of the rice and chicken, she went to her room and flopped down on her bed. "Today was enough of a workout. Mind and body." She sighed as she rolled over and grabbed a phone with the God Hand from Berserk as her home screen. Berserk was the reason she wanted to be strong. The chances of the earth being overrun by monsters is low, but never zero.

After a few chapters of the Manga and a quick shower, she lied in bed, and drifted off to sleep.

--6 months later--

"Seriously, bullying Freckles again? You'd fit the role of a villain more than a hero." Mari said as her chokehold she put Bakugo in tightened. "M-Mari... Bitc-!" He was cut off by the chokehold getting even tighter. "That's no way to talk to a girl Bakugo." She said in a monotone voice. She sighed as she noticed him turning purple. "Oi Bakago, you're gonna pass out at this rate. Apologize to Freckles and I'll think about letting you go."

"N-no Mari i-it's ok! I'm ok!" He said as he scurried to his feet. "And you!" She yanked Midoriya with her other arm and put him in a headlock. "Start standing up for yourself! How're you gonna be a hero if you can't do that?" She shouted. "I-I'm sorry Mari!" He shouted between laboured breaths. She felt Bakugos body starting to go limp in her other arm. "Whoops. My bad, B." Her arm loosened around his neck. He wolfed down air and got back to his feet.

After a few seconds of deep breaths, Bakugo gave his response. "Screw you! I ain't apologizing to De-!" His shout was again cut off. "Well if I knew that I woulda let you pass out. Nighty night~" She said in a childish voice before both her arms felt a body go limp. She looked down and saw that Midoriya was turning purple with tears leaking from his eyes. "Start standing up for yourself Freckles. When you become a hero I ain't gonna be there to hold your hand." She said as she let him go. Midoriya fell to his hands and knees, gasping for air and wiping away his tears. "Now I feel like a bully.. Sorry Freckles but a bit of tough love will do you some good." She said as she lied Bakugos unconscious body on a nearby park bench.

Mari had been going to the playground everyday since she had met the two boys, and almost everyday she had to "calm down" bakugo. Midoriya hadn't changed much at all, aside from being a bit more confident.

--Bakugo POV--

My conciousness was slowly coming back. head is killing me, but it felt like something was under it. I'll blow that bitch to pieces when I see her! My eyes slowly opened a bit, before squinting trying to adjust to the light. "Look who's finally awake. About time. Feels like your hair's about to cut through my leg." I could hear Mari's voice.

After a few seconds, my eyes adjusted and I could see Mari looking down at me. "How was the nap? You calm now, B?" She asked, looking down at me. Her face was so close, I could feel mine heating up. I could see her raise an eyebrow. "Looks like your bloods back flowing. Your face isn't as pale as before." She said as she examined my face. "Now, get off my leg. You're awake now." Wait, leg? My face turned a shade brighter as I sprung up, headhunting her in the process. Her head jolted back as I stood up and took a few wobbly steps back.

I stumbled backwards, hold my head in pain. What the hell is she made of? Felt like I just slammed my head into a brick wall. "Ouch. Just woke up on a girls lap and you headbutt her straight away. Cheap shot! But anything goes in a fight I guess!" She shouted with a smile as her head shot back up and she sprung to her feet, taking a fighting stance.

"H-hold on a damn minute! Why was my head on your lap?!" I asked frantically. Her face went neutral, then into a cat-like smile. "I wanted to see your reaction. waking up on a pretty girls lap!" Her response did nothing but piss me off. "Pretty?! Don't flatter yourself, you big Gorill-!"

--3rd POV--

Before Bakugo could say another word, a fist buried itself in his stomach, knocking him unconscious again. "Looks like you need another nap.."