Klein trusted his girlfriend of 5 years. Klein thought he was on the same page with his girlfriend based on his passionate affection but his girlfriend was just playing along. When Klein met his girlfriend, he was working with a big organization and was making cool money. He treated his girlfriend like a queen. He bought him expensive things and pays for her trips whenever he decides to go on vacation.
Klein keeps boosting his girlfriend among his friends. He was fond of saying "her or no one!" His friends who had noticed one or two bad attitudes about the lady kept warning Klein to be observant of his babe. To Klein, it was a conspiracy against his lady. He started rescinding himself from his friends. Klein was in love! Anyone could as an adage say "LOVE IS BLIND" Really? yes, love is blind to those who choose to be blind. Lol
Klein keeps taking his girlfriend around the sphere until one fateful day when he lost his mouthwatering job. No more expensive life! His girlfriend tried to manage for some time hoping things will get back to normal soon. Normality becomes abnormalities after a few weeks! No more expensive dinners. No more clubbing and energy. Love began to evolve cold. Klein was in trouble! The lady began to show some attitudes he wasn't aware of when there is money.
She starts giving excuses of "WE CAN SEE TODAY. OH, I'll BE AWAY FOR SOME DAYS" Klein was in trouble! The love of his life has turned bitterness. Who will console the lover boy? His girlfriend now flexed with the big boys(rich guys). After a month, she disappeared into the thin air. Her lines are no longer rechargeable. What are hell is that Klein exclaimed! Hello Klein, new fish are paying her bills while she glows; so take heart! Lol
No more attention for Klein. Klein's good friends came through; thank God! They remind him of their observations which didn't count then. He had learned a lesson in the hard. His senses now operating well. He's no longer a blind lover! Lol
Klein put his pieces together and was ready to bounce back. Yeah, a disappointment is somewhat of a blessing as they give the energy to carry on. Klein got another gigantic offer from a renowned organization. Klein is back again! The luxurious life is fully anticipated. Everything changed within two months. His ex heard about the news and was on fire! She didn't think twice before showing up. Who does that? She needed a hot slap on her face right? Of course, she deserves more but Klein didn't do that.
He welcomed her on a platform of affection but ended up frowning and bidding. Lol
After a nice dish was served, they both eat and smile all along like everything is normal. After a minute, Klein brings in the vibration as she ordered the wicked girlfriend to stand up and leave. "Leave, she asked?" People marveled at what could be wrong. Some were saying, "please calm down sir" while a few feel sorry for the beautiful lady. Klein began to nail the woods at the appropriate places as he reminds her of what she did to him.
Those who feel pity begin to walk away and those saying "please, calm down" hold their lips. Ex lost her legs as he couldn't find them to walk at the moment. She was ashamed. Yes, go out and let the eatery receive fresh air! Klein trusted her but she did him dirty just because of the small challenge and she wants to bounce back just like that. How easy is that? Can you take such? Did Klein do the right thing or not? If you're Klein, what will be your reactions?