The Amaron Continent.

Karna went inside the library, as one would expect from an influential noble family, the library had two huge floors full of books. The Library also had an open shade with a table and chair for reading books, and the scenery outside looked good.

A middle-aged lady at the counter was currently writing something. She looked up and saw Karna with Lara entering, she was not surprised because Rudra often used to read books on politics and war tactics. She greeted both with a smile.

"Welcome. Young Lord, which book would you like to read today?"

"Give me all the history books and general knowledge books," Karna said.

Now the lady was surprised because Rudra never read any history books. but she did not think much of it and immediately went towards the history section of the bookshelves, she selected a few thick books and gave it to Karna's hands, she said,

"Young Lord, this is the perfect book for someone to know about this Continent's history and some general knowledge, especially for beginners." She said while pointing at one book

The book seemed to at least have 500 pages, it was pretty heavy. The words 'The Amaron Continent' was written on the front cover and the words 'Written By - Sir Kalas Grerra' was in a small font at the bottom of the title.

Karna asked Lara to bring some snacks with tea as he sat on the chair near the window, he began reading the book. The image of Karna reading a book and the scenery of a small miniature lake outside the window gave a sense of Serenity.

In the south, there was the Ascar Empire in which the Zarx family's dominion was, Ron Zarx was the marquis of the empire and only second to the four Dukes. The reason was simple, The Zarx family had a good foundation. The first Patriarch of the house had helped in the foundation of the empire and had received the Title of Count. Throughout history, Zarx Family Ancestors made valuable contributions to Different battles. The first Patriarch had made a rule that steady progress will always be better than suddenly becoming a thorn in the emperor's hand. He was very right, the Zarx family made contributions but never undermined the emperor's authority and that's why slowly but surely, without much resistance, they rose in the ranks of nobility.

Rudra's father was an exceptional warrior but he wasn't just a muscle head. He married Aisha who was a genius at doing business and started many Family businesses which made the Family rich in a very short time. And as they say 'money is power'. Just like this, The Zarx Family acquired enough martial power to survive and not become a thorn at the emperor's side, the Four Dukes Afterall were still more powerful than the Zarx family so The Zarx family could not get any ideas, However, everyone greatly underestimated the power of money in this world and Ron Zarx had made use of this.

The Royal Family consisted of the emperor who was called 'Alfred Vreta Ascar', The three princes and two princesses, The Empress,

the Imperial consort, few concubines.

The Ascar Empire was in the south of the continent, to its southwest was the Stonebrook mountain range in which many caves and mines existed, with fortune also came danger. The mountain range was shrouded in toxic miasma, in some places it was bearable and in other places it was impossible. The mountains were very hard to wander around because of the miasma and the toxic magical beasts, not to mention the region is desolate and there's no vegetation.

The Ascar Empire shared its border with The Nine Nations Alliances which consisted of, The Redkar Kingdom, Azar Kingdom, Sopan Principality, Jaquin Kingdom, Milia Kingdom, Roheilm Kingdom, Mozem Kingdom, Ciara Kingdom, and finally the Mercenary Kingdom. These nations had a trade monopoly and that's why it was not easy to attack them, they were also proficient in making magic tools. The Sopan Principality and the Mercenary Kingdom had the most territory among all and were the most powerful. Sopan Principality was also famous for its Magic Academy.

To the West of the Empire was the Holy Vatican Empire which was ruled by the church. In the Amaron Continent, people talked with their fists and that's why religion was not as influential as it was on earth. Some people also reached 'Godhood' so many did not believe in God. But the commoners needed hope from something other than Royalty and Nobility and that's why The Church was there in many nations and so the Vatican Empire was the third most influential Nation on the continent. They were somehow able to use Holy Magic to cure wounds and minor illnesses. But The Church truly gained an advantage in the power struggle when an Undead disaster struck. They would 'Help' the affected nations for a high prize of course in the name of righteousness. Until now, no one knows how the first pope managed to find the way to use the 'Holy Magic'

There was also the existence of The 'Infinite Forest' which seemed to be 'Infinite'. it was located further south of the Ascar Empire and was called 'Empire's backyard'. Although the 'Backyard' was very dangerous as waves after waves of demonic beasts would come in the winter. The Empire had measures for it but still many died every year. But the empire also gained many valuable resources from there. Fortune and disaster came hand in hand.

There was also the 'Endless sea' in the east, Many believed that it was truly 'Endless' and some believed that there is another Continent beyond it. But no one was able to find out anything until now, There also existed the 'Island Chain'. There were a few Small-Big Islands and they looked like some chain hence the name. They truly deserved the name because just like a chain they were very united and until now no one had managed to conquer them. They only interacted for trade with the mainland but no one dared to underestimate them.

At the north was 'The Amaron Empire'. Once their ancestors had united the whole continent under their banner but because of internal disputes and rebellions, they could not keep it for long. But even so, The Amaron Empire was the most powerful In the continent to this day, but the Oscar Empire had recently managed to close the gap by a large margin and the struggle for hegemony was going on between these two Nations.

And finally, 'The Demi-Race Land' was in the northeast, It's home to the non-human races which chose to fall back there many years ago. Humans are not allowed to go there without permission but some members of the Demi-Races come outside for trade. No one is restricted to go outside but not many chose to do so. They perform trade with only some of the Human Nations and are very conservative-minded. They had combined their unique racial traits to build a strong line of defense against the humans and that's why no one bothered with them. Although they claimed to be isolated and not interfere much with the world they still assisted certain countries during wars in the name of 'Trade'.

Karna sighed, the new world he was in seemed much more complicated and there were many things he still did not know. He stretched his hands and looked outside, that's when he realized that he had been reading for the whole day, it was evening and the Lake's water was shining orange by the setting sun. Birds were returning to their nests. Although he was new in this strange world he was very optimistic about life.

Lara came at that moment. Seeing Karna looking at the setting sun with a melancholic expression her heart fluttered for a moment, but she quickly regained her calm. she said,

"Young Lord, you should rest. I did not disturb you because you were so focused," she said.

"Yes, let's go!"