From Beauty's Arms to the Scene of Gore In a Blink of an Eye.

The caravan was traveling without any problems, they passed by hills, plains, and small towns. If this was an ordinary caravan, then they would have suffered some hardship because of bandits. But only an idiot would think of robbing such a prominent noble family. and not to mention the elite warriors and mages who were protecting the caravan.

The journey was long but compared to some of the other places it was hardly much. It was going to take one month to reach Blue Isle City, 15 days had passed since the caravan left the Zarx territory.

The caravan was traveling toward Bronzwood County. Although 15 days wasn't a huge amount of time but everyone was somewhat bored traveling all day. Ron was a Noble through and through. during the war, he would not even care about eating dirt to survive but he wasn't fine with staying in those 'Lowly' Inns while just simply traveling. He was a noble and he had accepted this in his heart. His thinking was that although nobles should not forget their duty to protect the citizens, they should also not forget the prestige they hold. And so he had decided that everyone would stay in Bronzwood county Lord's manner for some days and refresh themselves a bit.

This was the first time Karna was traveling in a carriage. Even though it was very comfortable, he felt rather odd just sitting in the carriage all day. He wanted to ride outside but Ron had become very protective since Rudra suddenly fell into a coma, so he had no choice but to continue training magic and taking dance, and etiquette classes from Lara.

The caravan was just one day away from bronzwood county, They would reach to their destination after crossing the Kimra Valley. Both carriages were traveling through the commonly used path through the Kimra Valley.

Karna was currently in the carriage with Lara. He was just done with his etiquette class and now it was time for dance practice. Karna and Lara both were standing inside the spacious carriage.

Karna held Lara's petite waist as he drew her closer. Her feminine scent tingled in his nose. He looked into her eyes awkwardly, and Lara blushed. The song began playing in the background from a magic device. Lara composed herself. Just as the beat began playing, Lara held Karna's right hand into hers and began guiding him with the rhythm of the song. they swayed left and right with the song. Both stepped sideways at the same time while Karna raised his right hand upwards and drew her closer, just as it looked like they would bump into each other, he nimbly dodged and broadened the distance. Lara was pushed back as she swirled backward elegantly. Now there was at least 6 steps distance between them. their hands joined together like an unbreakable bridge. Just as the hand was about to slide off Karna again gently pulled Lara closer.

Both of them forgot that this was supposed to be 'Educational' and began enjoying each other's warmth. Both of them wore smiles of bliss and happiness. both completely forgot their surroundings as they intertwined and swirled together.

Suddenly the carriage stopped and their balance broke as they stumbled. Karna fell to the ground with a 'thud' as he closed his eyes. He soon felt something bump into him. Instinctively he moved his arms forward and felt something very smooth to the touch. He unconsciously squeezed and open his eyes. All this occurred in less than two seconds. He saw Lara on top of him with an embarrassed expression.

Maids or lower class in general were taught like this from their childhood. Now in this situation, Lara should have slapped Karna angrily but in reality, she could only be embarrassed. As a Noble, Karna could do anything to her as long as it was not completely inhumane. She was just a Maid after all, and Karna was a Noble.

Just as Karna was about to apologize, someone opened the carriage door from outside. It was one of Karna's attendants. He was 20 years old and his name was Raka.

The first thing he saw after opening the door was Karna in such a scandalous position but without flinching, he completely ignored it as if nothing happened. It was obvious that he was a clever attendant.

Karna cursed thousands of times in his mind as he awkwardly got up. Lara had already gotten off him when she saw the opened door.

While trying not to die from embarrassment Karna gathered all his courage and looked at Raka. presenting himself as calm as possible, he asked,

"What is it?"

"Lord, there's a bit of trouble!"

Seeing Raka's expression Karna understood that something serious had happened. He calmed himself down and got off the carriage.

Both the carriage were stopped. Everyone was silent. Warriors had unsheathed their swords and mages were gathering Mana around them, ready to cast spells at a moment's notice. Warriors had surrounded the carriages leaving no hole in between, behind the warriors, All mages had gathered facing all directions. Suddenly the sound of heavy footsteps echoed from the distance. Oliver shouted,

"Everyone, Prepare! a pack of thirty Wind wolves is heading this way! Protect the Lord and the Young Lord!"

The footsteps grew louder, and Karna's heart thumped hard with nervousness. This was the first time he would see a Magical Beast.

A few moments later, the thirty wolves came in sight. they were truly fast as if the wind had blessed them. They were leaping large strides and covering long distances in seconds. As they got closer, their speed slowed.

Karna finally got a look when they got in sight. All of them were huge, they had soft brown fur. Sharp claws and fangs, long sturdy tails. Saliva was drooling from their mouths as if they would pounce on the tasty-looking humans right away.

They slowly moved forward in a cautious manner gauging the enemy's strength. Some of them moved to the sides sneakily trying to surround the caravan. Seeing this Ron yelled,

"Hmph! Don't let them surround us, what are you waiting for? kill them all!"

As if the wolves understood that things were about to go down, they made their move. All of them pounced on the warriors in front. Some warriors were still in the back looking out for any potential ambush.

Two earth attribute mages created sharp spikes on the location on which the wolves were going to land. Just as it looked like the wolves would have no choice but to land on the sharp spikes, suddenly whistling sounds came as a gust of wind appeared under the wolves which moved them out of the spike's trajectory.

With no surprise on their faces, the mages instead smiled viciously. When Karna looked, Two of the warriors had already anticipated the wolf's movements as they were already prepared with their glowing swords which oozed with 'Aura'.

When the wolves landed far away from the Earth Spikes, the warriors slashed their swords at the wolf's necks. One of the wolve's neck was severed completely as blood rushed out like a waterfall from the wound, the other wolf, however, had again dodged using a 'gust of wind' But even before it had the chance, suddenly a large, red hot fireball struck the wolf's face. The wolf hauled in immense pain as it slashed around its paw blindly. The fireball had scorched the wolf's entire face which made it blind. It looked like some demonic creature from hell with its charred, dark, bloody, face with some cooked flesh dangling out of its body. The wolf's face was impossible to identify at this point.

The smell of burned flesh mixed with blood and agonized, ear-screeching hauls reached Karna's nose and ears. Seeing the bloody and horrifying scene, Karna wanted to puke but he held himself back and acted as calmly as possible. But his trembling hands betrayed his demeanor. fortunately, no one was at liberty to pay attention.