
Apologise to a Woman?!

Isaac Davis's face looked worse than before, "Then…..what else do you want me to do?"

He suddenly realized that this guy wasn't going to let him off. Oliver Walker was going to punish him!

This ...

"If they don't accept your apology ..."

 Oliver Walker's lips curled into a cold smile. "Then I won't either!"

 "You'll have to bear the consequences!"

There were some things that he had to claim for both his wife and mother-in-law. He would get them one by one.

Especially the emotional debts. This was the repentance that Isaac Davis had to pay.

 "You want me to apologize to them?


Isaac Davis resisted it strongly. His whole body was shaking, and his face was red. "I'm a man. How can I apologize to a woman?

 "You...You'd better mind your own business!"

 Were Mary Green and Emily worthy of his apology?

This was why he was strongly opposed to it when Oliver Walker suggested it.