
Finding Out Who He Actually Is

Oliver Walker rarely revealed his identity to anyone, but he had to say it now!

 After all, he liked the integrity of Jeremy Adams.

In fact, he had never deliberately hidden his identity, whether it was from his wife's family, the people of Davis Company, or even the entire state of Colorado.

But, he couldn't just go around calling him the 'chaplain', right?

 What was the difference between this and a fool's behavior?


 Jeremy Adams was stunned. "Who exactly are you?"

As someone who had been in politics for a long time, he could feel that although the person in front of him was young, his words and actions carried the aura of a superior.

 Especially that last sentence, it really woke him up!

If Oliver Walker was just an ordinary person, then no matter how effective the Heavenly Doctor Face Mask was, how could it surpass him and gain the recognition of the National Medical Hall?