
Only One Type of People Can Keep Secrets

"You know too much!"

"But you shall still die!" Sean Martin's substitute smiled coldly. "Whoever knows this secret will die! You won't be an exception!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his attack power increased by another level! Especially after he was recognized, he had no more worries. He used the various essences of Muay Thai more frequently.

 Elbow strikes, knee strikes….. Each strike hit a vital point!

 "Bang bang bang…"

 After the battle, Oliver Walker was actually a little tired; even his body was in extreme pain from the impact!

If it was before his internal organs were damaged, even a hundred ancient Muay Thai grandmasters would not be able to hurt him, let alone Sean Martin.

 But now… It was simply unbearable!

 If they were to fight head-on, he would definitely be the one to lose. After all, the fighting style of ancient Muay Thai was too fierce!