Chapter 10

The woman starts to question her sanity when she starts seeing things and experiencing strange phenomena in her home. She starts to question her husband and soon she realizes that her husband is actually the Devil. He is a demon who is trying to possess her body and get revenge on the people who wronged him.

The devil in the mirror is one of the most recognizable images in horror. It is also a great way to visualize your own bad self-talk and negative thoughts. The mirror allows you to see what you are doing to yourself, and it helps you make positive changes to your life.

When I wake up in the morning, I look in the mirror and see the reflection of a girl who is happy and content with herself. I am confident in my decisions and what I am doing with my life. I see a girl that knows she is beautiful and does not need to change herself for anyone else. She is content with her body and the woman she is becoming. When I look into the mirror, I see someone who is confident and happy with their life. But then, when I leave the house that day, I feel like a completely different person.

John talked about how he had to deal with negative thoughts and feelings that come up in his life. He also talks about how he dealt with his personal challenges and what he did when he was feeling down and anxious. He also talked about how he had to improve his self-esteem and his sense of confidence.

I look in the mirror and see a girl that I don't recognize.

Her hair is disheveled, her eyes are red and puffy, and her makeup is smeared. Her clothes are wrinkled, her shoes are torn, and she has bags under her eyes. Her face is tired and old, and she's ashamed of herself for being the girl in the mirror.

She feels so empty, because the girl in the mirror is the one that she hates.

A man wakes up from a dream, he walks into the bathroom to wash his face, when he looks in the mirror he sees the reflection of a devil. He is startled and scared, but then realizes it is only his reflection. The devil was always there, it was just that he was too busy to see him.

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I looked in the mirror, but the vision in front of me wasn't it. I had a green face and a red nose, and my eyes were too big for my head. My hair was matted to my scalp and my clothes looked as if they had been pulled through a shredder. I knew that this wasn't me, but I had no idea how to fix it. I decided to put on the clothes that I would have normally worn to work, but they didn't fit right. I tried on one of my old shirts and it just hung off of me, so I threw it on the ground in frustration. The more I tried to fix myself, the worse I got.

In the morning, I like to take a moment to look in the mirror and make sure I'm looking my best. Sometimes I see a reflection of myself that I don't recognize or one that I don't like. Today, my reflection was one of the scariest things I've ever seen. My eyes were bloodshot, my hair was messy, and my face was pale. It was as if someone took a photo of me and then superimposed it onto the reflection. My reflection looked like a stranger, not someone I know. It was scary, but at the same time, it was also kind of cool.