Chapter 14

The devil in the mirror is a reflection of your inner self. The devil in the mirror is a reflection of all the things you don't like about yourself. The devil in the mirror is a reflection of all the flaws, imperfections, and shortcomings that you don't want to see in yourself. The devil in the mirror is a reflection of all the things that you don't want to be. Sometimes, people can be their own worst enemies.

I look in the mirror and I see a stranger.

I look in the mirror and I see a stranger,

My hair is getting long,

And my face is getting thin,

I don't know who I am anymore,

But I know that I'm not the one I want to be.

I woke up today with the same feeling I had last night when I was watching a scary movie. I felt like the movie was playing out in my head, and the characters were actually alive and I was in the movie. I felt like I was in a horror movie, and there was a scary monster lurking around my house.

The reflection in the mirror is usually the only one that you see, but what about the one that's watching you? The reflection in the mirror is not who you are. It's just a reflection. As we grow older, we begin to see that this reflection is not us anymore. This person in the mirror is no longer our friend and it's time to face the truth.

It was a normal day. I was running late for work and had to rush out of the door to get there on time. I threw on a light jacket and grabbed my keys, but when I left my room I heard a noise coming from the mirror. It sounded like someone whispering in my ear, "You're not going to make it!" Then I looked up into the mirror, and there was a dark figure standing behind me with a menacing smile. The figure was wearing a dark cloak and its face was shrouded in darkness. The figure then reached out and grabbed my shoulders, making me scream in fear. As it dragged me back into my room, I could feel its cold breath on my neck. When the figure pulled me into my room and closed the door, all that was left was a dark, empty room with no one else around.

In the morning, as I wake up, I see my reflection in the mirror. I see an old man with a long white beard and a tired face. I see wrinkles, I see a wrinkled man. My face is old, like the man in the mirror. I wonder how much time has passed since I was young and carefree.

The Devil in the mirror stared back at me and I couldn't help but scream.