One of my favorite horror movies is the devil in the mirror. The movie is about a girl who starts seeing a figure in the mirror every day. Eventually she ends up finding out that the figure is the devil and that he wants her to marry him. She tries to escape from him but the devil always manages to find her. The movie is really scary and I love it!
I was standing in front of the mirror, trying to decide whether or not I should dye my hair a different color. My mom had suggested that I get it done, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I was standing there for a good five minutes, debating what to do, when suddenly I saw something move on the mirror. It looked like a dark figure, and it was coming closer and closer. Then it just disappeared.
The devil in the mirror was an old man, his face was so wrinkled that it was impossible to tell what color his eyes were, or what color his hair was. He had a long, white beard and he looked like he had just been to hell. He was wearing a tattered coat and a top hat that had seen better days.
I always look at the reflection in the mirror. I know it is just a reflection, but it is hard not to think the person looking back at me is the devil. I don't know why, but when I see my reflection, I always feel like I am losing control of myself. The devil in the mirror is not real, but it still scares me because I can't control what he says. It's hard not to be scared of yourself when you see that devil staring back at you.
"I don't like my reflection." I think to myself every morning. I am a person who is always trying to improve themselves, so it is never easy to see yourself and not want to change anything. I know that the way I feel about myself is the way everyone else will feel about me, and I don't want that.
The devil is always on the lookout for new recruits. He lurks in the shadows, looking for those who will do his bidding. Once he finds a person who is weak, he starts his work on that person. He tries to convince them that they are worthless, worthless to society and worthless to God. He makes them feel like they are nothing and that they are not good enough. He tries to convince them that they deserve nothing and that there is no hope for them. The devil wants people to feel hopeless so that they will be easier to control. However, even though the devil is trying to convince you that you are not good enough, the truth is you are a child of God and you are infinitely valuable to Him.
There's a devil in the mirror, staring right back at me.
I can't get away, he won't let me go.
He's always watching, always there.
He's never sleeping, never resting.
He's the one who's laughing, always laughing.
He's always watching, always there.
I'm not that person anymore, I don't know who I am.
But I can see him everywhere.
I'm not the same person I used to be, but I can't find my way back home.
I'm lost and I don't know what to do.
There's a devil in the mirror, staring right back at me.
The Devil in the Mirror is a short story about a girl who wakes up every morning and looks into her bathroom mirror to see her mother's face. She doesn't recognize her mother, but she recognizes the devil. This story is about how the girl slowly starts to realize that she is not the same as her mother and that there is a big difference between what she sees in the mirror and what she sees in real life.
The devil in the mirror, that's what I call it. I'm not a fan of mirrors. They make me feel like I'm looking into a mirror and I don't like what I see. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I see all the imperfections that I try to cover up with makeup. My skin is not perfect and my hair is not always perfect. Sometimes, I look in the mirror and see someone who is unhappy with their life and that's not who I want to be.