Chapter 6: Taste Homemade Food

I am unable to move, i felt numb all over my body because an effect of anesthesia.

"Hey Nano what would happen if you cancel the effect of anesthesia, will i feel pain all over my body?"

"Host, anesthesia is use to make body insensitive to pain. I do not recommend you to cancel the effect because you might feel extreme level of pain"

"I want to try it, right now im ninja, if i afraid because of wound, pain i cannot call myself strongest kunoichi in history. Execute the task cancel the anesthesia effect"

Canceling the anesthesia, after 1 second anesthesia being removed i feel extreme level of pain. Every skin, bone, organ in my body being ruptured and then replace with a new one. I feel like every part of my body being slice with a knife, i want to ask nano to apply the anesthesia back but unexpectedly i fainted.

After about 2 hours i woke up again, "Host you finally woke up, body transformation has been completed you now can use total concentration at full power". I wanted to curse nano machine, this inhuman machine didnt feel any sympathy to me. I just woke up after being tortured but he replied without any emotion, but i couldnt get angry because i was the one who told nano to cancel the effect of anesthesia.

I feel my body a lot stronger than before, to confirm my suspicious i said "show My Status",


Name: Haruno Sakura

Age: 12 Years Old

Chakra Level: Elite Jonin

Chakra Control: Kage Level

Physique: Elite Jonin Body

Character Template: Yoriichi (1% Completion)

I was shocked, before this my strength at genin level but after body modification my strength multip ly many times and now, i have strong Elite Jonin Body and Chakra. Im trying to stand up and wanted to find mirror but once again im shocked because im become taller.

"Hey Nano, what is my height before and after modification?"

"Host, before this your height around 155 cm right now you've become 165 cm, i need to increase you height so you can use Yoriichi template perfectly". I nodded because i know yoriichi is an adult man so i need adult body to use his own strength, i might grow 10 cm more if this template reach 100%.

I felt uncomfortable because my Shirt become too tight and because of this i take off my shirt and walk to the mirror. What shocked me the most, i have become very beautiful. I mean sakura is beautiful but this time i have become 5 times more beautiful. My naked body is very beautiful and i become more curvy have abs, my pink hair become thick and shiny than before every part of my body is like sculpture by famous artist. I don't know if i meet tsunade can i compete with her? Naeh, Its not important because every woman is beautiful, we have different aura and different charm and most important are personality.

Suddenly i heard, "Sakura come here dinner are ready".

"Ok mom, but before that can you come here i need your help" replied sakura. Then i take towel to cover my body, my mother felt weird and walk to my room to find me.

"Sakura what do you need why you asked my help?". I told my mom i practice ninjutsu with my friend but suddenly i become taller because of practicing my chakra. I can fool my family because they are civillian and they are not ninja so they thought it was possible to become taller and strong. My mother look at me and found out its indeed i have become taller and almost the same height like her. I told her that i need to borrow her clothes, she almost same height with me. Currently im 165cm and she is 167cm so i can use her clothes.


At morning, i woke up at 6 am and went to kitchen to cook, i want to cook special for my family and my team mate. Eventhough i know how to cook, but i want to make it very special so i asked nano a new receipt about chicken. This morning i made Fried Chicken with sauce, i made for 5 serving. 2 for my parents and 3 for my team mate.

I went to meet naruto and sasuke at promised location at 8:00 am. Naruto and sasuke feel very shocked when they saw my appearance, just after one day i become very beautiful and taller. Even sasuke who usually cold, stare at me shyly with my new appearance.

Usually i wear kimono but this time i wore civillian clothes, to be honest i dont like civillian clothes in naruto timeline they are outdated. But i have no choice because i suddenly become taller.

"Sakura is that you? Why you look... you look..." before naruto could finish. I said "beautiful?".

"Yeah you always beautiful but this time you look different and more beautiful"