Chapter 8: Finally, We Become Ninja

"Ok ready and remember my plan, we need to do this together to beat Kakashi Sensei and become ninja"

Naruto then use Kage Bunshin No Jutsu to distract kakashi sensei, he went to fight head on with him but couldnt win no matter how much he use his clone. Kakashi Taijutsu is really strong he can beat 20 naruto with ease, silently i use Total Concentration breathing and wait for sasuke to attack him.

Sasuke then use Gokakyou No Jutsu, kakashi manage to escape because he use kawarimi no jutsu, all of this are under my calculation. One of weakness Kawarimi, you need to find an object to swap and i have tracked which object he will swap before kakashi activated this jutsu. So i went to the place that most likely he will swap and with my Jonin Physical Stat i manage to snatch the bell from kakashi just after he swapped place.

It wasn't because kakashi is weak, but he look down at naruto and sasuke, and fought them while reading books, that's why he was easily beaten by us. While kakashi feel confused i show him snatched bell, kakashi was shocked he didnt believe that i could snatch the bell and was surprised with my speed that even he couldn't react, but he won't let us win easily so he put his final test.

"Yeah you won, but remember only 2 people can become ninja. The other one would be send back to academy". I know this was his tricked so i replied, "i will go back to academy let Naruto and Sasuke become ninja, it was my fault to do team work. They listen to my plan and trust me that's why i will go back to academy"

"No Sakura, among us i'm the most useless. It will be better for me to go back to academy so i can practice more to become stronger", naruto said.

"No i will go back to academy, if i can't protect my friend i can't beat that man", spoke sasuke with a gloom face.

While we were bickering to give up and send back to academy, kakashi was satisfied because we manage to work together and rather giveup to protect each other. He then said "Ok, because you guys wanted to giveup so much i will let you... PASSS".

Naruto and sasuke has dumbfounded look, they cannot process why they pass this test to become genin. Kakashi then continue, "this test is about team work, you guys manage to work together and snatch the bell from me. So you guys pass my test".

"Ok guys, to celebrate us become Ninja. Let's go to my house i will cook special for you guys"


Sasuke wanted to reject my invitation but because he was so happy he forgot to reject me, so me, naruto, sasuke and kakashi sensei went to my house. This time i make something special that never existed in this place. I went to get potato and cut to small pieces, put some salt and fried it on hot oil. Then i cut chili to make chili sauce with secret recipes from Nano.

"Ta daa, this is my newly recipes i call it fries" said sakura.

Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke were curious about fries they never knew potato can be cooked with oil. People in this era boil the potato but i choose to cut it and fried, i teach them how to eat fries and how to dip fries to chili sauce. They couldn't stop eating and wanted more but i didn't make much.

I told sasuke and naruto, "Tomorrow we will become ninja and do many mission, before this i never get close with you two but this time we need to work together like today, team work are important and friendship are irreplacable", sakura look at their reaction then continue "Those who break the rules are scum, that's true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

Kakashi was shocked once again, because this quote is what his friend once said. Yeah it was Uchiha Obito words before he went to find rin to save her. He felt emotion remembering those two people obito and rin, one of emotion that he never felt after they dead once again surging him.

He then thought, "who are you sakura, why i felt familiar with you". But he couldn't ask this question and he just keep this question to himself. Because he might cry if he asked this question to sakura, it remind him so much with obito and rin and his dead sensei minato.