Chapter 11: First Kill

We were very excited because of this mission, for the first time we got a chance to leave the village. I know Konoha is very safe compared to other place, in some places they are thug, human trafficker, serial killer and many more. They didn't get protection from Ninja and if they wanted to seek for help they need to pay large amount of money, but Konoha is so small, they are not many place that i can go.

For this mission i didn't wear civillian clothes, i wore same exact clothes like sakura wear in naruto shippuden with shusui on my left side and i change short pants to long pants because short pants is not suitable for mission.

(If you are in jungle, short pants can cause some itchy on skin. So it better if you wore long pants it can protect your skin from small insect and branches)

Because of my body transformation, many people asked me what i did that i can grow taller very fast. I didn't answer their question and if they still ask me i will said "i'm 12 years old and its normal for girl to grow fast at this age".

As the journey goes on, i activated my sense skill that i learned from Yamanaka Inoichi. I can feel everything from 100 meter radius, this will helps me a lot to fight with enemy. Finally, i sense an enemy nearby and yeah that was 2 demon brothers, the first minor villain or i will say cannon fodder that will die in kakashi hand. This will be the first step in helping naruto, they will be stepping stone for naruto to go forward.

I didn't tell Kakashi about enemy because i know a future plot and as we got closer to water puddle, i notice kakashi already know there was an enemy try to sneak attack us. Silently i use total concentration breathing and wait for demon brothers to attack kakashi sensei.

The same thing happen like a manga but this time is not sasuke who try to defend old man tazuna and fought 2 demon brothers but it was me who silently cut them using Sun Breathing technique.

Hinokami Kagura: Burning Bones, Summer Sun and with just one move i created a very big flame and move very fast. Withing a second i manage to kill both demon brothers which shocked Sasuke, Naruto and Tazuna.

Hinokami kagura is legendary and forgetting breathing style known as sun breathing and the first one breathing style created by Yoriichi Tsugikuni. He was the creator of breathing style and it was later modified to suit individuals he thought.

Kakashi who was hiding after using Kawarimi No Jutsu can't believe with what he saw, in just one move i could kill two enemies and what shocked him even more was sakura action. She look at the place where he was hiding and said

"Sensei are you done playing pranks, i know you use kawarimi before this two rogue ninja try to attack you."

He was surprised and went to explain, he already noticed there was an enemy hiding. To give them experience in Ninja fight he was hiding and wait till critical moment to save them but didn't expect Sakura could handle it alone.

Sakura was very proud but suddenly she realised, "Even in this world i still can't escape from being murderer". Reality hit her hard, before this she treat it like watching anime, but upon looking at her sword and her bloody hands she feel stiff all over his body.

How can she forgot one thing, in order to become ninja she need to strenghten her heart to kill more evil ninja. Eventhough they are criminal, for sakura they are still human being. Eventhough she is an ex soldier, but she has washed her hands a long time ago. 

She was too naive, what is ninja?

This life is full of blood, either you kill people or get killed. Because of her personality it's not easy for her to breakdown and for 20 years she has hone her heart in business world. Eventhough she experienced setback for a moment it's not enough to stop her to move forward.

Kakashi who was noticed sakura behaviour talk to her, "first time to kill people its not easy, later you will get used to it".

(I noticed there are many people who voted Transmigrated As Uzumaki Kushina Twin Brother, i will close vote section tomorrow)