Enter: Zack Everest

14 years later

At Rockbell school, 150km away from the forest of cessation

"Zack Everest"

"Yessir, here I am"

A middle-aged teacher handed over a mark sheet to a boy of about 15 years of age who had absolutely no expression on his face, with blue deep eyes, grey spiky hair, fair skin, tall height, and a smart physique.

"Well done Zack, you scored perfect on every test, next month will be your finals hope you do well there too, best of luck". The teacher said to the boy.

"Thanks, Sir, I'll keep that in my mind". replied Zack.

The bell rang, teacher and other students begin to leave the classroom.

While Zack sat still on his chair...

"Hmm school is going to end soon... it's not like I had any business here anyway.... well whatsoever I guess I should head home". He mumbled in his thoughts.

After a while, he stood up, put his bag on his shoulder, and begin to walk slowly but with a straight and strong posture, there were only a few students left.

"Dammit leave me you punks, I don't want to get involved in some troublemakers like you" Zack heard this voice from the library and went into it.

"How dare ya, refuse us, don't get cocky just because we asked you to steal the question paper for the finals, it's not that we are begging for anything, you'll have to do it otherwise, you know the consequences weakling" a delinquent like a student with overgrown muscles shouted at a kind looking, classmate.

"Shut up, and let me go it's a request" the boy replied.

"Who are you ordering around bastard" the delinquent boy punched right onto his face.

He did nothing and said nothing, just looking down at the ground.

When the delinquent boy was about to deliver his second punch Zack stepped in and hold his fist and applied a little pressure, the sound of his fingers cracking could be heard, he screamed and begged Zack to let him go.

"Yeah yeah why would I not let you, go run before I change my mind," Zack said in a calm voice.

The delinquent ran away.

Zack turned his focus to the boy, "Hey there, Ken...stop getting yourself in trouble, will ya, when school will be over and I won't be around to save you, man, what will ya do huh" Zack gave Ken a hand to help him get up.

Ken stood up and dusted himself off "Thanks buddy for saving my ass over all these years even though we're no more in the same batch since grade 5".

"You're the only friend I made y'know that right?" Zack and Ken began to walk towards the exit of the school.

"Yup, back when we were little kids, you were an overpowered freak whom every kid was scared of, you literally beat the shit out of anyone who was a bully, and even though it was a good thing still kids peed their pants upon seeing you I guess it was because you were too young, not to mention that you're from one of three chosen families but to be honest I wasn't scared of ya at all" Ken remembered old days.

"Yeah and then one day, the most intelligent kid in the class was being bullied by failures and I saved him, we became friends and he helped me that how could I control my powers, it's all thanks to you I'm in this school today otherwise I'd have been expelled for excessive violence" Zack added, " by the way I was wondering are you from a chosen clan too, I mean I know you're super intelligent and genius but I've to admit you've more knowledge about aura and elements manipulation than I've".

"Is that so, it's because this is all so fascinating, I've always thought how the chosen ones saved us all from the devils about 15 years ago, that must be so cool, my father is a journalist and his favorite subjects were all about the chosen ones, he's always been researching about em, conducting interviews, studying about them and their techniques so I know all about the chosen clans and their powers not to mention I researched myself about all this too, It'd have been great if I were from a chosen clan though but it'd not be that great because my ancestors would already have kicked those devil's asses, just like it's with you, all that power and no evil foe" Ken elaborated.

"Hmm so that's how it is, still your aura it's..... anyway leave it.... about that you said there are no foes well I'm not positive about that, they might still exist, we just never know y'know," said Zack.

"What don't tell me, those rumors about the devils were true? do they still exist? is this top-secret information you got from your clan? my dad also wrote an article about it, I thought that was ridiculous but was that true? if it is, isn't it just amazing?" Ken shouted in excitement.

"Hold it, man, that's a lot of questions, it was just a statement I made randomly" Zack replied.

"Ah you killed the damn mood man, wait a minute why am I getting excited it's not like I'm a chosen one" Ken's excitement vanished and he began walking with his shoulders sitting low.

"Cheer up man, you're second to none," Zack said with a slap on his back.

"Yeah.....my house is near now, hey why don't you ever tell anyone where your house is, you didn't even tell me even though we're childhood friends, how will we meet daily once school is over, don't you care at all?" asked Ken.

They were walking beside a river with a train station on the opposite side.

"You wouldn't be able to come there it's very far away...." Zack was about to answer but Ken broke in "yea you a lie you told me a thousand times that it's 150km away, how the hell did you get here in 10 minutes, even if you've speed boost that's kinda impossible but then again you're full of surprises, can't underestimate ya, anyway I'll come to your place one day, just you watch"

"Hmm yea I'll, bye now see ya tomorrow" Zack jumped so high that he crossed the river with just that.

Ken smiled at him and moved towards the train station.

Zack covered all the distance in a flash, with his highly developed speed boost technique, and entered the forest of cessation.

In a while he was in front of his home, as soon as he opened the door, a sharp knife flew towards him at super speed, he caught it with ease, continued walking in and put the knife on a side table just beside the door "I'd have loved to destroy this knife but Ken said not to destroy everything I get my hands on" he thought.

"Mom, I don't think I'm late today, am I? then what's the point in welcoming me with your deadly weapons again," said Zack.

Suddenly a back kick hit him, he was about to fall but stood up, before he could look back, he was grabbed by the back "you're 2 minutes late brat" it was Suzan's voice.

He get himself released, turns back, and said "Sorry mom that won't happen again, I need to boost my speed more I know," Zack said while dodging his mom's attack.

"oh yea, then improve yourself kiddo" Suzan continued her attacks.

"Ah mom, okay I'll settle this once and for all, but the problem is I can't attack you," said Zack still dodging.

"you've to, there's no mom or dad in a fight attack me, you won't be able to defeat me though" replied Suzan.

"oh, yea I can if I want to but you're the mom here so I'll let you have the win," Zack said and jumped on the upper level of stairs.

"Shut up brat" Suzan caught up and was about to deliver a punch.

"damn she's fast" he barely evaded that one.

"Stoppppppp, this nuisance..... it's time for lunch, diet is not a thing to be ignored, just continue your fight later on and wash your hands, then head to the dining room and you guys have 3 minutes for that"

shouted Sophia, she looked weak and the dark circles beneath her eyes were making her look sick.

"Yes ma'am," both Suzan and Zack said unanimously and got to the dining.

After having lunch Suzan said, "I've something important to discuss, both of you meet me in my room at 8, this evening, Sophia you take your meds now and rest for a while, and Zack come out in the forest our spar isn't over yet".

Sophia went to bed after doing the dishes.

Suzan and Zack continued their spar in the forest.