IAB investigation

Graham and William were talking about Journee when Graham continued, "just look at what happened the past few days. I know the raid was planned but everything after that… She arrested Zion, and a whole army of lawyers stormed inside, she made Zion attack her again inside the precinct, then the camera nonsense happened, and we lost a big piece of evidence, she assaulted Henry, and then again tried to provoke Bobby. Officers were driving all around the city to find the trucks and containers, we apprehended one truck but lost the driver and that driver and his family were found dead. My god! My head is spinning. I need to sit," Graham held his head and sat in his seat. He kept exhaling and inhaling for a few seconds.

William poured a glass of water for him and signalled for him to drink. "Just think how Kay feels every day," teased William.

"Oh, my God! That poor soul lives with her," said Graham and started laughing.