Mind and heart in a fight

Journee kept talking about being in an open relationship with Doctor David making Archer angry. She kept teasing him about his bond with Zion.

"We don't hide things from each other just like you and Zion. I can understand hiding your gay relationship with the world is a big task and not everyone is ready to be in open. Why don't you tell the world and live your life under your conditions, just like us," teased Journee.

Her jibe made him so mad. He snapped at her, "for the last time, I am not gay, and Zion and I are not in a relationship."

She stared right into his eyes and mocked again, "ouch! This is going to hurt Zion. Oh, Henry! I cannot give this news to Zion, you will have to do this for me. You will have to tell him that his boyfriend broke up with him."