You will not be harmed

Journee and Kay made their way inside Harris's building, but a big problem came at them. They could not wait all day out of the apartment for Harris to come back home. If he saw them, he would immediately run away that's why he changed his favourite eating place. Their only option was to wait inside his house.

The only problem, they had no idea how to get inside the apartment. They both could easily pick the lock but had no tools with them. Then Journee realized that they would have to get the key from the guard. The question was, why would a guard hand over a key of his client's apartment over to Journee?

"Kay! Come on! Come on! Just look at this," she pointed at herself, rather at her body.

"EW! Why would I look at your body?" Kay cringed hard.

"Not you! But that guard will," she winked and ran away, leaving him alone on the floor.